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MiserableSnow t1_itq1yq2 wrote

Did they get the same composer back for season 2?.


iamdew802 t1_itq3bji wrote

Than ever before?! It has one previous season lol


zdenn21 t1_itq6nt9 wrote

I’ve asked so many people what’s so great about this show and I just don’t see it. Why would I want to watch rich assholes have a good time on vacation??

Edit: pissed off the white lotus writers room here they come in full force.


Gasa1_Yuno t1_itqc5de wrote

Got hyped, thought i missed an Avatar spinoff.

Its just another nonsense show we can all skip, move along lads nothing interesting to see.


TriscuitCracker t1_itqdbt8 wrote

S1 was fine...well acted and definitely gorgeous to look at...but I just didn't care about any of these terrible people.


difficultmind t1_itqgamt wrote

After hearing this criticism I was surprised by how I was actually quite... okay with most of the characters? They acted pretty much like most of the rich folk I know. Like Shane was quite pathetic and unpleasant, but his >!complaint about not getting the room his mom paid extra for was valid and him killing Armand was in misplaced self-defense!<. Only one I actively disliked was Sydney Sweeney's character - and that was mostly because of that obnoxious voice she put on. In fact, I felt like compared to most of the "eat the rich" films/ TV these days "The White Lotus" was quite lenient to the 1%.


Enjoy_Your_Win t1_itqgwry wrote

> I felt like compared to most of the “eat the rich” films/ TV these days “The White Lotus” was quite lenient to the 1%.

You just answered your own question as to why people on Reddit disliked the show and the characters. Reddit has a massive hate boner for the rich.


AtsignAmpersat t1_itqknmp wrote

But are Sydney Sweeney and Alexandra Daddario going to be in it? No, no they will not.


hof29 t1_itqkzqr wrote

Anything with our good old Christopha in it is going to be wild. Can’t wait.

In all seriousness, I haven’t seen S1 yet (only heard of the show back in August) but Michael Imperioli is definitely a draw for me.


Chataboutgames t1_itqlxcm wrote

They were fairly down to Earth characters. It's not like any of them were depicted as absolute monsters, just varying degrees of normal to asshole. But you combine that with money and some people just can't empathize.

The teenage girls were awful.


Chataboutgames t1_itqm0zu wrote

You should check it out. They're detached miniseries/anthology style so there's no need to go sequentially.

And yeah, Imperioli is absolutely the draw of this cast.


pp21 t1_itqog4p wrote

I will never understand people who can't enjoy shows because the characters are bad people. Like can you only enjoy something if there's people you can root for? Good versus evil type scenario? White Lotus is satire so of course most of the cast will be irredeemable people who you dislike -- that's the point. Like, I couldn't imagine not liking Succession because the Roy family is made up of the worst humans on earth.. that's what makes the show so good


theClumsy1 t1_itqwh5n wrote

I hope its not too much...the first season was crazy already. Any further goes into the realm of unbelievability.


ceg045 t1_itr0lxh wrote

The White Lotus casually becoming the Cabot Cove of luxury hotel chains.


roastbeeftacohat t1_itr95kz wrote

bit of a departure for an avatar spin off, but I figure young Iroh was a lady killer.


JonesyOnReddit t1_itrca3n wrote

I enjoyed this show but after the entire season being a criticism on classism racism etc to have the season end with all white rich people win, everyone else gets fucked was quite the let down.


NoInvestment2079 t1_itrvlsn wrote

Can't wait for the discussion threads to be littered with people shouting "JESUS CHRIST CHRISTOFUH" or any other overplayed Sopranos quote whenever Imperoli is on screen. It's why I fucking hate the Sopranos sub. Just a bunch of jerkoffs going on and on with the same quotes and no real discussion.

Anyway, $4 a pound.


SirMontego t1_itryy9c wrote


Season 1 composer was Cristobal Tapia de Veer.

Season 2, episode 1, composer is Kim Neundorf.

IMDB says:

>Series Music by
>Cristobal Tapia de Veer ... (6 episodes, 2021)
>Kim Neundorf ... (1 episode, 2022)

Also, listen to the Season 2 trailer: That's not music by Cristobal Tapia de Veer. Notice the total lack of nature sounds.

Maybe the other season 2 episodes will have Cristobal Tapia de Veer music, but I doubt it.

Edit: don't trust IMDB, Cristobal Tapia de Veer's twitter says he is working on it. See below for the link.


ThePopeofHell t1_itsefy6 wrote

How are they going to get hornier than the drug fueled ass eating?


theangryfurlong t1_itso0k6 wrote

>But while The White Lotus Season 2 is certainly gorgeous to look at, it falls a bit short once again as any sort of legitimate social commentary.

I don't think Mike White is going for social commentary, at least not directly. I saw it more as a comedic look at the characters and families. Some of the comedy and drama is heightened by the difference in class, etc. but I never felt that it was trying to preach some social message.

Kind of like criticizing Succession for not containing any legitimate social commentary - it's just not what they are primarily going for.


Camus____ t1_itugxhp wrote

Yeah but then it becomes voyeuristic. Succession is the same. I deal with enough real monsters and cunts on a daily basis that I don’t need to watch them in an imagined show.


HarmonicaDroughtMir t1_itvjk5h wrote

I didn’t think I’d have any interest in White Lotus last year when I saw the trailer, but it became one of my favorite shows in recent memory. I’m hoping season two even partially lives up to that.


JGUsaz t1_itvtjs2 wrote

Her friend was the worst she literally ruined a guys life for petty revenge

While the other people were therr for holiday or vacation, they were assholes but not malicious like she was, the newlywed dude wanted the room they paid for and the hotel was messing him around


asadblackcat t1_iujk8g9 wrote

yay just what we need more of on tv. white heteros with their rich people problems and more graphic female nudity for the male gaze.