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Educational-Tower t1_iuiwzui wrote

It’s about the defence of a way of life, landowners against the forces of modernity. That is the overarching plot of each season.


therealjsquared t1_iuiy5nf wrote

Somewhat. But that doesn't make it right leaning. These people are definitely not religious (nor do they even fake it,) they only care about politics in that they want to preserve their own empire (okay, this might SLIGHTLY be conservative,) and centers moreso around the complicated family dynamics that come with power.

It is more Sopranos than anything conservative or right-wing.


Educational-Tower t1_iuj4qst wrote

The roots of conservatism lie in agriculture and ownership of land. That’s the way of life focused on in the show. And there is no “somewhat” about it. That is literally the plot of each season.


therealjsquared t1_iuj5o2o wrote

I disagree. The roots of modern conservatism lie in capitalism, Christianity, and white privilege.

I'll give you maybe one of those three that could play a big part on this show.

I've maintained this whole time that there are surface level aspects of this show that are conservative, yes.

But the main story and writing revolves around the family structure and the preservation of it.


Educational-Tower t1_iuj5vks wrote

Even if your assertion is true (which it isn’t) the conservatism being explored in the show is a pre-modern one.