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therealjsquared t1_iuj51d6 wrote

Wow. "liberal coastal elite" "screechy liberal shrew" "elite coastal education"

It seems to me that you're one of the ones taking it on surface level to stroke some sort of underlying irrational worldview of "coastal liberal elites."

This show is basically Sopranos with cowboys instead of cliche Italian mobsters. If you see anything more than that, then you have a bias that you can't get past to see the bigger picture.

I can't wait for this "conservative, right wing" show to drop a "liberal progress" bombshell at some point and force apparently half or more of the viewers to stop watching because Joe Rogan or Kanye West told them to.


Daze_Confuse t1_iuj59c1 wrote

You: Give me examples.

Me: Okay, here's ten.