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postjack t1_iujo40u wrote

> Justified

if OP is looking for a show that isn't quite "prestige" television but also isn't the soap opera of Yellowstone, you can't miss with Justified. It's fun but it's also smart. I think Justified gets that it's primary purpose is to entertain, not try and be a great TV show, but by focusing on entertaining, meaning having great characters, witty dialogue, interesting stories, and lots of excitement, it became one of the all time great TV shows.

Does that make sense or am I just rambling? It's like a lot of shows today, it's clear they started out to make some great emmy winning TV show, but what you get are these goddamn 64 minute episodes that they say is a "slow burn" but really it's bad auteur schlock that doesn't entertain and doesn't even have that much original to say.

Justified on the other hand just set out to tell a good story, and behind that good story are all kinds of lessons about the human experience. Also you get Boyd Crowder. I fucking love Boyd Crowder.