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kedelbro t1_iu73egf wrote

That’s what makes it interesting though. These shows WILL be made no matter what. Zac Effron got a second season of a travel show, for crying out loud (and I actually enjoy it for what it is!)… so why is CNN choosing to allow these shows to go elsewhere?

Do they really think enough of the cable news market share is up for grabs that to make that shift worthwhile?


bilyl t1_iu743ex wrote

They’re not. If you read the article it says they’re discussing making an in house division rather than 3rd party commissions.


kedelbro t1_iu74zd5 wrote

So they will make their own docuseries. Interesting.

Will likely be a tough growth period unless they can lure someone away from ZeroPointZero


Darmok47 t1_iubzjir wrote

I remember when Parts Unknown started and Bourdain left The Travel Channel to to go to CNN, he mentioned that the CNN leadership at the time was investing in original series because there's only so much news happening at any given time, and only so much people will watch.

I guess new management disagrees.