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AtheismoAlmighty t1_itm5ojg wrote

I kind of wonder if it might be a movie trilogy that wraps up the books. Since there's a significant time jump after the point that the show ended, that seems like a clean way to make the transition and tell the rest of the story.


TheJoshider10 t1_itmh3vj wrote

In my opinion the final 3 books would be incredibly easy to streamline into movies. Book 7 especially I don't think had enough plot to warrant a season to itself.


Picard2331 t1_itml5wy wrote

Yep, Persepolis Rising was basically just a massive action scene of >!Laconia taking over the whole of humanity with 2 ships!<. Would work great as a movie.


NoNefariousness2144 t1_itn6fv2 wrote

I want to see the end of book 8 with >!the resistance heading through Laconia’s ringgate and charging their planet. Visually I imagine it like the end of Rise of Skywalker with all the ships but better!<.


Picard2331 t1_itnd3i8 wrote

Yeah but that wasn't really a "all ships charge!" attack, it was a carefully planned out siege that lasted quite a long time.

What I want to see is Bobbies Valkyrie scene.

Also in Leviathan Falls when >!Duarte begins to convert mankind into a hivemind and all at once 50 ships turn and start heading straight for the gates!<. That moment gave me chills when I read it lol.

Oh and also also >!When that empty system with the star on the edge of collapse starts boiling and shoots a gamma ray burst through the gate and into another, destroying both, then the ring space beings proceed to wipe out every ship including Medina inside the gate network!<.

Too many awesome moments in the last 3 books lol.


GhostRobot55 t1_itphrqj wrote

God they wrote Bobby so well. You have a character like Amos who's portrayed as nothing but the strongest guy in the series and then in comes Bobby who not only saves everything in the most grandiose action movie way possible but on the way she also had to kick Amos's ass just to put him right.


ragnarok635 t1_iugb3we wrote

Book 8 is basically the setup for Star wars episode IV and it blew my mind that sci fi came full circle


katamuro t1_itmqyrz wrote

I felt the same way about the last one. Because if you only follow the core story it's much shorter, it's the side characters who make up for a lot of volume and frankly while sure they add "meat" to the world they are not exactly needed to tell the story.

Characters of Aliana Tanaka and son of Alex Kamal and their stories made me roll my eyes. I didn't care about them or their stories, telling of the same events from different view points was getting too much as well.


digiad t1_itnfvax wrote

That last book did have a similar story structure to the final Harry Potter book where a large bulk of it is just them being on the run while they figure shit out.