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theblackfool t1_itqmm7v wrote

I genuinely did not know there was a season two!


brb1006 t1_itqnre1 wrote

Blame Netflix, I remember some of the crew members were actually upset that the remaining episodes of Season 1 were moved to Season 2 due to how many episodes could only be allowed. Plus they aren't the best at marketing newer animated projects. As a longtime admirer of Tonko House, Netflix gave the series zero marketing to the limited series "Oni: Thunder God's Tale" that released last Friday. I had to rely on Tonko House's official Youtube channel to get updates leading up to it's premiere.


vangalf t1_itsfylp wrote

Oni: Thunder God's Tale was fantastic. I almost ended up skipping it but really glad I didn't. It's sad how little attention it's received.


brb1006 t1_itsn3l2 wrote

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who saw "Oni: Thunder God's Tale". Tonko House deserves more attention from animation fans. I really admirer how the company mostly consists of Japanese and Asian American crew members. To the point that their works has been gaining popularity in Japan.


Number224 t1_itt67hc wrote

Sounds like the same treatment The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance got.


jelatinman t1_itqj8zb wrote

I know animation is typically well into production but Cuphead’s release feels a bit rushed. 3 seasons in 1 year is crazy to me. It’s supposedly going for 4 seasons, but when it releases next year it’ll basically be over.


brb1006 t1_itqmx3d wrote

That's because "Season 2" was actually left-over episodes of Season 1. Something that the people behind The Cuphead Show quickly took notice. Couldn't find many videos on this, but this is the best I could find.


Batman_The_Merciless t1_itsgiro wrote

Sounds as if Netflix is trying to hurry up and hit the 4 season quota and drop it.

I haven’t heard anyone say a single thing about this show other than the occasional “it’s okay”


baseball71 t1_itqqff0 wrote

They order all the episodes at once so they can qualify it as a single-season order and pay the crew less, but then break it up over time to spread the content out. It’s likely that the first/second batch of episodes was done for some time, they just waited until they could space it out over a couple months instead of years.


the____can t1_itqnx6r wrote

I was thinking the same thing. S2 just came out and was hoping Id have something to look forward to next year when I got around to playing the dlc. But now the show is over and done with, I cant imagine netflix renewing this.


brb1006 t1_itqt4q1 wrote

And S2 was actually the remaining couple of episodes of Season 1.


Ftimis t1_itvbou8 wrote

Gonna sound a bit harsh but I expected to like this show and ended up actively disliking it. I get that it's made predominantly for kids, but it's so irritatingly banal and predictable it's kinda unwatchable. Every tiny bit of "comedy" is given so much pause after it's shown, when there's absolutely nothing to digest. I feel that I can't put it entirely into words but, like, the 10th time Mugman went "haha yes, I am not noticing the obvious danger!" [PAUSE... PAUSE... PAUSE...] "Jeepers creepers!!!!" I kinda gave up.

I gave S2 a try but decided to drop it altogether after half an hour. You can have a kids' show that's an homage to older cartoons without it being 101% derivative in its storytelling.


Uptopdownlowguy t1_ityweze wrote

The biggest disappointment to me is how the show doesn't look like an old cartoon the same way the game does


Ftimis t1_iu00hhs wrote

yeah the only reason I didn't mention that is because it's a very obvious flaw that everyone complained about when they first showed a trailer for the show.

I'd be fine with the bland as fuck writing if the show was true to the artstyle. I'd also be fine with the bland as fuck artstyle if the show had bothered to be at least 1% innovative and engaging. With the way it is, I see zero reason even for a kid to watch this instead of other animated projects that are at least fun or visually pleasing.


Uptopdownlowguy t1_iu03ikn wrote

Yeah, I agree that the writing is pretty lacking. There's very little sense of an overarching plot line even though I only watched season 1, and the humor is kinda hit and miss


Ftimis t1_iu0468w wrote

It's not even that it's very episodic. It's that it reminds me of cartoons I was getting annoyed with when I was a kid (I'm 28) without knowing why. With the reason being that they were all very cookie-cutter, predictable, zero-stakes lowest-common-denominator shows as far as the writing went. And if you're making something like that in the 2020s and dressing it up as an homage, it should at least pick up the slack in most other aspects, and it very obviously doesn't.


AnotherInnocentFool t1_itqpm0g wrote

Fuck yeah, love everything about this show, I want it on a loop for a month... Give me enough episodes.


techtonic69 t1_itt56iv wrote

Hell yeah! Season two was great, happy to have more and quickly!