Submitted by Hammerfist11 t3_xusvop in television

There are basically 2 types:

There's the shows that are slow, detailed and drawn out. These shows are not necessarily telling a long story but instead the writing focuses a lot on the little details regardless of whether their inclusion is necessary and regardless of how mundane they can be which is what enables the long runtime despite a short plot. They are as thorough as possible in their storytelling but as a result scenes aren't always the most meaningful and relevant to the plot. Viewers are usually intrigued by the drama between characters which is usually quite complex. This is what I like to call the traditional tv show since it's the most common type of show, examples are Breaking Bad, The Wire, Sons of Anarchy, Ozark etc.

Then there's the fast paced movie-like shows that have a genuinely long story to tell. They're straight to the point and focus mostly on things that are necessary and needed to progress the story making the events more substantial and relevant when compared to a traditional show but they also have less detail as a result of all this. Viewers are usually intrigued by the plot and character personas but the drama is generally simpler compared to traditional shows. These shows are less common. Examples are The Walking Dead, Banshee, Daredevil, Narcos, Gangs of London etc.

Edit: I forgot episodic shows, my bad. These are most commonly cop shows or comedies.



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Skavau t1_iqxd4ql wrote

The third type: the procedural. Whilst the 'detailed' and 'drawn out' shows you refer to aren't fast paced, they're different to 16-24 procedurals where most stories start and resolve within the episode. The murder/case/monster of the week formula.


Tampammm t1_iqxmfqd wrote

Also my favorite by far as well.

Each episode gets refreshed with a brand new interesting plot, different settings, and exciting new guest stars.


Skavau t1_iqxmhca wrote

Actually it's not my favourite, I just offered it as the third template lol


Tampammm t1_iqxna4u wrote

Ahh, gotcha. Just to clarify, it can be any type show genre, including sitcoms.


Hammerfist11 OP t1_iqzvd7b wrote

yeah you've got a point, my bad. I guess I didn't include them because I don't watch those type of shows. I'm mostly referring to serialized television in this post rather than episodic but I made an edit to include them.


PineappleBetter8444 t1_iqxxwii wrote

Stories that are meant to be wrapped up within the episode. Sitcoms and a ton of network dramas could qualify in this category. Shows like Law and Order and Seinfeld are fun easy shows that don't require you to start at the beginning to understand what's going on.


sergiocamposnt t1_iqxynwb wrote

I usually prefer slow paced shows that focus a lot on small details like Breaking Bad, The Leftovers, The Americans, etc.

I don't think Ozark is slow btw. There are too many relevant things happening every episode.


spinereader81 t1_iqy6g81 wrote

A healthy mix of both. I don't want a show that lingers too long on a rainy landscape, or has characters constantly bearing their soul. But I also don't want a show that's so fast paced it has no breathing room and doesn't flesh out the characters well enough.


anasui1 t1_iqxgtds wrote

the type that is good, and the least feminist/virtue signalling, the better
