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creeative20 t1_iu762t9 wrote

I gotta say, this is a lazy title. Smells of “let’s stick a name on something so we can say it’s in development”.

Furthermore, as an Indigenous person, whose close relatives have gone through their own spiritual vision quests, this is a little tacky to say the least.


horseren0ir t1_iu7y15z wrote

What does a real vision quest involve?


creeative20 t1_iu9c96e wrote

Days of fasting, alone in the woods, there’s ceremonies involved, introspection, pushing your body to the limits. The idea is to intensely clear out your body in order to be open to visits from spirit helper. Ideally walking away with a vision, ‘hallucination’, for what your future could hold. My dad described it as a clarity in understanding one’s life path.

But it also means superheroes I guess.