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Exevioth t1_iu8kzb9 wrote

But how TF would anyone survive an entire stone tower coming down on them? She’s human and made no effort to protect herself.

If she shows up I think it would make the most sense to mirror WandaVision where V thinks he sees Wanda, but it could just be an internal struggle of who he is vs who he could have been, while searching for her/being led by visions of her.


Express-Remove4115 t1_iu8lmes wrote

She used her powers before the collapse, indicated by the red light. She evidently teleported away.


Exevioth t1_iu8xobo wrote

I’d honestly have to go back and rewatch it then. I’m willing to admit being wrong, I thought it was a silly way to get rid of a character anyways.


aw-un t1_iu9v9sv wrote

My general rule of thumb is always, unless you see the life leave their eyes on screen, the character didn’t die (this is also only partly true in comics)