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admiralvic t1_iublt8g wrote

I like Grimm in the same way I find really bad movies enjoyable. There is enough there to see it's a decent show, but anytime the larger mysteries are shown it's clear they're making it up as they go and don't really care too much.

It's hard not to laugh at how they solved the key plot by episode 100 like they wanted.

Nick "I opened the top and found three keys." Monroe "Even though it contradicts our earlier lore about the Royals, the keys we happen to have are enough to deduce the map." Nick "What luck!" -at the place- Nick "Now, we need to find an old place." -randomly falls in a hole- Nick "Wait, I see the Grimm logo! It's here. Oh no, it requires all the keys. I'm going to need all my skill to open this." -smacks it- "Oh my god, we got the treasure and..." To be continued...


CountryMacIsAlive t1_iubq9mr wrote

True, the characters are likeable enough that you can overlook the flaws and enjoy it. The whole eve plotline, then the rush to wrap up weren't great though