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LoganTheHuge00 t1_iu55dwg wrote

She’s a Tony-nominated playwright. Her Broadway play ECLIPSED (which starred Lupita N’yongo) is fantastic.


alpacasarebadsingers t1_iu5fa9k wrote

I hear that she is going super meta with this show. She will play herself in real life and the “zombies” will be the various Walking Dead shows. She will spend 10 episodes “killing” the “zombies” by convincing the writers to quit and the production company to back a different series.

Edit: in the finale she uses a sword to cut off Gimple’s head and is then arrested and taken to jail.


MyStationIsAbandoned t1_iu5uwk5 wrote

I don't know if the best writers in the world can save The Walking Dead after the damage the former show runner did. And AMC's shitty budget and studio meddling.

But maybe. They did damage to the show that cannot be undone. I'm not even talking about season 7 stuff that people quit from. That was in the comics. I'm talking about the 100 times more worse thing they did in a later season.


Puzzleheaded_Safe131 t1_iu6int1 wrote

My only real complaint about the show was waiting weeks to see what happens after a cliffhanger. Hell the last bit of season 10 was infuriating. Yea. I clearly want to see Carol try and make soup. Not what’s happening to those other characters in that very interesting situation. To then realize it wouldn’t be addressed until like the next season was wild.

Luckily I was binging this after deciding to pick it back up since it’s the final season. But if I was waiting live? I think I’d never go back.


ChrisRedfieldfanboy t1_iu76fza wrote

You're talking about special COVID episodes, but other than that the show has been good for several years with the new showrunner on-board.


TimeBombCanarie t1_iu8mh6z wrote

I'm a bit out of the loop, what was the worst thing they did in the later season? Was it the Glenn thing?


diamened t1_iu53ooh wrote

It's time to retire Walking Dead. It's past that actually


AnneFranklin0131 t1_iu5c53e wrote

I would be ok with new walking dead with new cast somewhere else . But the same characters is beating a dead horse


thatoneguy889 t1_iu5dyl1 wrote

That's what Fear the Walking Dead was. Then it just turned into the same crap.


Ewannnn t1_iu68uqy wrote

It was good, but then they changed the showrunner and it became terrible as I recall


AnneFranklin0131 t1_iu5fgz7 wrote

Yea because they want to continue the same peoples story when it should be a different people every season. Kinda like true detective would keep things more interesting


bloodyturtle t1_iu6wd8a wrote

true detective the show that famously fell off hard after the first season?


AnneFranklin0131 t1_iu79qcu wrote

In my opinion it didn’t fall off . But how do you top Matthew Mcconaughey in general.


jabbadarth t1_iu8iouj wrote

Second season was weak but the third brought it back, imo


diamened t1_iu5fqw8 wrote

My problem with Walking Dead (besides the fact that the author clearly hates humanity) is that nothing changes. They basically repeat the same story over and over.


Atma-Darkwolf t1_iu6aekr wrote

group meets society that (somewhat) has shit together (even if morally questionable or just plain wrong) - Group muck's shit up with new society, creates war, - group goes off to find new society :P


diamened t1_iu6cdth wrote

Exactly. Group should be called 'the walking party-poopers'


AnneFranklin0131 t1_iu5h57n wrote

They clearly need better writers . Everything seems so flat sometimes.


dannylandulf t1_iu741hj wrote

And nobody gets a happy ending. It's over a decade since the outbreak happened and there's still no stability. Everyone is still experiencing trauma that would put a real person in the psych hospital every other week.

Like this new character or relationship? One of them will get an arrow through the eye next episode. Crazy that a show has gone on this long when all but two of the 1st season characters is dead or 'missing'.


ZsaFreigh t1_iu6hy7h wrote

I've been burned out on the Zombie genre for like a decade at this point.


DonaldPump117 t1_iu5afs2 wrote

Make it stop please


Skuddy587 t1_iu66shi wrote

I like to imagine Michael Scott’s reaction to Toby returning to the office when hearing about writers making more Walking Dead spin-offs.


ILoveRegenHealth t1_iu70rbj wrote

As someone who was once a big fan, I'm sick of it too. Main show is boring to me and I quit 3 seasons ago.

Fear the Walking Dead started off intriguing and went on too long. The World Beyond was too boring. Tales from the Walking Dead series (the new one) also dull as hell.

But since the ratings, while not as strong as they used to be, are still decent enough for AMC (and many of their own original shows never gained traction), they are going to continue pumping these out no matter what.


Mookies_Bett t1_iug3il2 wrote

AMC lost BB/BCS and is now desperately clinging to the last relevant IP they have left. They're going to ride this fucker until the sun engulfs the earth.


meowskywalker t1_iu52ext wrote

So did those movies he was supposed to be in fall through. I didn’t see anything about them in this article but I also kinda just skimmed it so I might be asking a dumb question.

Related question: is every episode of this show on AMC+? I’m probably gonna sign up once Interview with a Vampire’s season is complete and I might try to power through this show again when I do.


Ambitious-Comb-8847 t1_iu5cqe0 wrote

The movies were announced as dead (heh) at SDCC this year with the surprise appearance of her and Andrew Lincoln in 6 episodes as the surprise replacement. They say it's a limited series but we'll see.

Fear with Morgan and Dwight is still going and recently brought Madison back. Alicia left just prior and isn't confirmed dead either.

Tales the anthology wrapped. No word on a S2 yet.

World Beyond did it's 2 seasons and will be most related to the Rick show.

Dead City Maggie and Negan in Manhattan coming. Not clear yet how.

Darryl in Europe show with fast and somewhat smarter zombies also coming. Carol was supposed to be in it but left. They are teasing a 'something' else for her.


bpetersonlaw t1_iu5yf5y wrote

I can't tell if you're just making shit up or if AMC really vomited out 6 spinoffs


T-Geiger t1_iu64osd wrote

Not sure on the specifics and first I've heard of Tales (my dad likes this franchise, so I watch it with him), but yeah, this is real.


bros402 t1_iu8tp0i wrote

Tales had some good episode

i'd say half of them were good


Ambitious-Comb-8847 t1_iu6g629 wrote

100% real. Other then 1 episode the Anthology was all OCs as well. Big name they got for episode 1 was Terry Crews.

Maybe 7 depending on what they do with Carol.


bros402 t1_iu8tqmn wrote

the Tales ep with Terry Crews was good

also the one with Jillian Bell


zer0mike t1_iu6c0ly wrote

Good wrap up. How is Darryl gonna get to Europe! Didn’t know Carol left. I feel announcing these spin offs has really killed the ending buzz. Even if it was a minor buzz.


Ambitious-Comb-8847 t1_iu6fq2q wrote

Yeah. Dunno yet. 3 episodes left I believe.

People started bashing the actress JDM was pissed off at people for that and AMC had to put out a statement. Maybe she didn't want to move to Europe but she's been there a while so she deserves a break.


mudermarshmallows t1_iu6r8bx wrote

Apparently Daryl just wakes up in France and even he has to figure out whats going on. Just bizarre lol


wrathmont t1_iu74f8f wrote

"The Walking Dead: Dead City"

They somehow managed to shit out a worse title than "Fear the Walking Dead"


Ha1rBall t1_iu52qed wrote

> I might try to power through this show again

Best of luck to you.


meowskywalker t1_iu53zki wrote

I work from home so there’s a lot of shows I watch with 25-30 percent of my brain. I certainly couldn’t make it through Once Upon a Time or Superman and Lois if I focused my whole attention on them.


GamingTatertot t1_iu6s2bc wrote

Man Once Upon a Time really started out so promising. By the Peter Pan arc, I was just so checked out but I didn't stop watching till after Wizard of Oz


EZPassTrollToll t1_iu5bzx6 wrote

This reeks of corporate


meowskywalker t1_iu5czdm wrote

Yup you got me. Signed up for Reddit ten years ago so that I could suggest binging a show that AMC clearly wants me to watch weekly. And say that their most popular show is so dumb I can’t watch it unless I’m using most of my brain on other tasks to distract me from the dumb. Truly the greatest advertising scheme in the history of time.


dspencer97 t1_iu55em8 wrote

No thank you. This show lasted way too damn long already. I stopped watching after season 7 or 8


SerDire t1_iu51q8q wrote

I quit on this show years ago but it’s still around and I’m just wondering if there is a market for it? I mean at this point, anyone who is a fan will stick around for whatever may come next right? Maybe there’s a big enough fan base to continue this universe but literally ever post I see on here about the walking dead is people complaining how the quality went to shit


DoIrllyneeda_usrname t1_iu541go wrote

This is the only spinoff I'll watch. Walking Dead for me was about Rick's story so I haven't seen an episode since he left.


HortonHearsTheWho t1_iu5cwbg wrote

Yeah, personally I’d like six episodes to finally find out what happened to Rick. The helicopter is still a mystery, right?


DoIrllyneeda_usrname t1_iu5dire wrote

I think so lol unless the main show addressed it already


JustAriadna t1_iu7jwa0 wrote

Pretty sure they confirmed that they are cloned versions of Lori, Rick's dead wife, that are programed to take Rick to the effiel tower to rule the new world.


Mookies_Bett t1_iug3pam wrote

I stopped watching walking dead after season 3 because it had gotten so stale and bad, and I genuinely can't tell if this is sarcastic or not. It seems too batshit crazy to possibly be real, and yet...


RageOfKhonshu t1_iu8ar3u wrote

Well it’s not the most talked about show anymore, it’s still the most watched show on cable. There’s still a huge audience for it


Paolo94 t1_iu5gy8c wrote

Ok, this instills a little more confidence in me about this spin-off. At least this show will have solid writing. Can’t say the same about the rest of the spin-offs.


kirby2000 t1_iuhcku1 wrote

The whole point of the comic ending is it ended. People had an ending, some died, some lived and we found out their final fate.

What is the point in the series ending if half the cast have spin offs?

The comics had a pretty definite ending. It wasn't open ended or designed to be ambiguous.


mackinoncougars t1_iu5oave wrote

Unless the show is about them killing the FINAL zombies, I don’t want to see it. Honestly, at this point in time the living should have taken most of them out by now. It’s been over 12 years.


Turnover-Greedy t1_iu63o0y wrote

So many spinoffs.. why don't they just continue with the show. It's going to be weird watching them all split up/on their own when they've survived/been together for 11 seasons..


[deleted] t1_iu81t8j wrote

Just stop already. This IP has been ruined with their greed.


gamer123098 t1_iu5xr01 wrote

Why? I mean it's always the same thing for TWD. At this point it's just zombie people watching the show. The watching dead.


btspman1 t1_iu60qde wrote

Just stop. Please.


Rxmses t1_iu6n0ca wrote

Why?!? I would say money but this is TWD franchise, would it make them even money? People are just tired man.


anasui1 t1_iu6kzih wrote

well, that's a disgruntled face if I ever saw one


mancatdoe t1_iu7lfzm wrote

Does the audience still have appetite for more zombie shows that are just an excuse to show human depravity in post apocalypse.

And Last of Us is happening too.


sparky2212 t1_iu5yfhz wrote

Do people still watch The Walking Dead? I can only take so much of the zombie genre.


mjz321 t1_iu57axc wrote

This show was unwatchable after season 3 how is it still on let alone getting spin offs


Skuddy587 t1_iu66xoa wrote

I’m here to agree with you.

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted


HappyDude2137 t1_iu6bpea wrote

Seasons 4 and 5 are the two seasons you’ll find the most amount of people calling their favorites. I personally think the first 2 were the best but 4 and 5 get held up as the gold standard by a lot of people.


FearsomeTaco t1_iu6pz70 wrote

Season 2 was honestly my favorite. I know it’s often panned by most as being “boring” or “slow” but I loved it.


TheAwakened t1_iu982rp wrote

Is that the farm one? I loved that but everyone else on here hated it.