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Necessary-Image-6386 t1_isuj5op wrote

Never works. People need familiarity. Honestly can't believe Noah is leaving. Like, to do what?


theClumsy1 t1_isun90u wrote

> Honestly can't believe Noah is leaving. Like, to do what?

Its an exhausting show to run. John Oliver keeps it once a week and takes breaks to limit his creative burnout.

Its rare to see "Daily" comedy shows. If they do exists, its even more rare to see it be continuously "fresh" and not become stale with time.

Jon Stewart and his writers did a practically impossible task (And likely why so many of his writers became successful on their own afterwards).


JohnCavil01 t1_isulyt0 wrote

Make movies. Write. Do stand up. Who knows? But anything beats doing a mediocre show that you know you’ve never really made your own.

I gave up on the Trevor Noah Daily Show about a week after he started. Checked it out one more time about a year later and still couldn’t do it. My partner kept up with it somewhat regularly via YouTube for years.

When we found out he was leaving we both had the same reaction - we couldn’t believe he had been doing it for seven years because it always felt like he still hadn’t found his groove. In both our minds he was still “just getting his footing” - but that can be an excuse for a 1-2 years at the very best. Seven, though?

He’s smart to move on before his career is totally tanked.


Necessary-Image-6386 t1_isumdpa wrote

He's found his groove to me. The Trump years, the pandemic? I thought he killed it


JohnCavil01 t1_isunpgg wrote

Hey to each their own. Personally, I felt like he just constantly made the most obvious jokes possible and that was made worse by his delivery.

Also, not his fault, but some of the worst correspondents I’d ever seen. If I have to hear that one guy make one more Asian joke…