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STOP__SENDING__NUDES t1_iue6f95 wrote

He would be totally wasted on that joke of a show.


Dear-Bandicoot7087 t1_iugcg7b wrote

Agreed. Mads is one of the greatest actors on the planet. One of the most talented actors of his generation. He’s currently shooting “The Bastard” in Denmark. He seems to prefer to do Danish films and indie projects. He does Hollywood occasionally, but I don’t think that’s where his heart is.

Anyway, Mads was offered the role of Vesemir and he turned it down. The producers clearly want a very young Geralt. Liam is even younger than Henry. Maybe youth is more important to them than talent.


LostInStatic t1_iueipjc wrote

Way too old. What are you smoking


Lambchops_Legion t1_iuep1k7 wrote

I love when people fancast but the image they have in their head is from 10-20 years ago


neoblackdragon t1_iuejzu1 wrote

It Netflix wanted an older Geralt they would have gotten an older actor. They clearly do not want to do that.


reddig33 t1_iueumv0 wrote

Who knows what Netflix wants at this point. They are wasting money by keeping it going without Cavill. Seems like a real “fuck you” from Netflix to Cavill, considering the ratings are going to drop off a cliff.


ijakinov t1_iuekqhy wrote

I think all your reasoning is pretty weak.

They can both look close enough to Geralt if you give him the costume and makeup.

The story they have in mind likely won’t fit a time jump.

Him being a fan doesn’t really mean much.

Plenty of people can play the role you don’t need to typecast Mikkelsen into it. It’s not like cavil himself was someone who was shown to be a stern, cold and mysterious before he got the role. People thought the actor was cool, he looked cool in the costume and are used to him. His actually performance as Geralt was generally seen as good but imagine if you used that argument against him.

It reminds me of how fans wanted Bryan Cranston to be Lex Luthor because he was bald and menacing in Breaking Bad. And Cranston himself criticized the idea of not being a great way to cast for a role.


Josh_Butterballs t1_iuepy56 wrote

Mads is actually who Sapkowski (the author) wanted as Geralt originally many years before netflix “adapted” it.

Unfortunately he’s too old now. Tbh there’s a bunch of people who imo would’ve been perfect for a faithful adaptation but are simply too old now, especially considering how long the show would go on for. Mads as Geralt, Eva Green as Yennefer, David Tennant as Dandelion (jaskier).


Dear-Bandicoot7087 t1_iugekcv wrote

I’ve seen thousands of ppl fancast Mads Mikkelsen as Geralt, but I had no idea the author was the original. That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing.


AegonTheAuntFooker t1_iueakc7 wrote

He would have been the perfect replacement for The Witcher 15-20 years ago.


BlackSpinedPlinketto t1_iued81l wrote

He’s great on anything. He always elevates a sucky show, so like the Witcher.


itrieditried555 t1_iuhd9pt wrote

They already cast his brother in the series as Stregobor so sure why not


anasui1 t1_iuhg4y7 wrote

Geralt is indeed old but he's like the best swordsman ever, pirouetting like a motherf'er all the time. Mads is amazing but he wouldn't be up to it physically I believe


wetbod t1_iuefq40 wrote

What an original thought


yodimboi t1_iuelhp7 wrote

Mads Mikkelsen could replace Walter White or Tony Soprano and no one would complain.


the____can t1_iuemqkm wrote

- This would have allowed Netflix to write an older Witcher to fit the casting

Im going to stop you right there. These things making this show arent going to do this because Geralt is like s background character to their more grotesque interesting agenda.


wyedamnit t1_iue7gmc wrote

Liam will ruin that character, dude has zero intensity. I doubt I could be worried if he had a gun in my face.
