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redditbad22 t1_itgi3qp wrote

Is the entire show and 30 years of spin-offs about this? Do they ever solve it?


HellkittyAnarchy t1_itglxne wrote

It's "solved" by the end of season 1 or 2 iirc. It's just the answer only raises more questions. And Fire Walk with Me then lets you see how it all played out, among other things.


fcukumicrosoft t1_itgzknf wrote

It was only "solved" because the network suits forced this to happen. They did not understand Lynch's vision and it started to sag in the ratings.

Yes, I watched it when it first aired and lived somewhat close to where the interiors were filmed. A friend of mine once missed an episode so he went to the studio and asked to watch the previous week's episode. They actually let him watch it there.


ericsartwrk t1_ith5749 wrote

Also, Lynch left the show because they made them ‘solve’ the murder. That’s why s2 isn’t as good as s1 until the last couple episodes when Lynch came back


HouAngelesDodgeStro t1_ith828s wrote

Why do all of my favorite shows have to be "ruined" by networks? TP, Lost, DBZA, Heroes, dammit people just let the creative types do what they want!


camwow13 t1_itjmoii wrote

Literally the last episode. Not even last couple episodes.

It's solved in the middle of Season 2 in such a shocking way he's basically trying to middle finger the TV suits. It's amazing that that murder was shown on network television in 1991. After that, the plot devolves mostly into campy nonsense, then Lynch shows up in the last episode, blows the daylights out of the camp plots, does a crazy twist, and then it's canceled. Pretty legendary TV moment from 30 years ago.


ericsartwrk t1_itjpfk4 wrote

Just couldn’t remember if the finale was a two parter or not


Bears_On_Stilts t1_iti3k0n wrote

Everything from the moment when the killer is revealed, to the Tibetan Book of the Dead/flooding prison cell scene, is some of the series’s strongest and darkest moments. Making the reveal the way they did turned out to be a good choice, it’s just that the aftermath floundered.


Xeynid t1_itgwbde wrote

It's "solved" halfway through season 2, then there's half a season of dumb bullshit nobody likes, objectively empirically.


Theotther t1_ith2qcv wrote

Honestly if you just fast forward any time James is on screen the back stretch becomes far more watchable. Some of the subplots are pretty hysterical and it produces a some of the most memeable moments in the series. People also forget that it gets way better once they introduce Windam Earl and James leaves.


LADYBIRD_HILL t1_ith9ghz wrote

Aw but then you won't feel sad for James when he comes back in the return


TeqTx t1_ith2pm5 wrote

I fucking love the side plots of S02 lol


ericsartwrk t1_ith5c82 wrote

That’s why Lynch left the show, then when he came back for the finale it’s very noticeable


Bluest_waters t1_ith1f5s wrote

Fire Walk is a deeply deeply disturbing show or movie or whatever it is.

Saw it once, that is good enough for me. The Bob scenes are terrifying


ike_tyson t1_ithikt1 wrote

Bob's slow motion screaming scene lives in my head rent's stained my brain with horror 😬


MattBoySlim t1_ith5z00 wrote

Haha, that “among other things” is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


shieldedunicorn t1_itgm4zd wrote

Yeah but the show really isn't that much about solving a crime. If I remember correctly David Lynch didn't want it to be solved, at least not that early, and saw it more as a set-up to build something different.


wuzeezi t1_ithjq2x wrote

It was a mystery show that was built on parodies of soap operas (hence some of the casting and the credits sequence among other things). With that in mind, definitely no “real” solving of the crime was intended. It’s meant to get weirder and weirder as we add more soap tropes but take them deadly serious. Genius execution


Mattikar t1_ithnt8u wrote

I feel like log lady really exemplifies your view of the show.


Salty_Pancakes t1_iti4un3 wrote

I heard that when the studios didn't see it that way and were planning on canceling it, he got pissed and then decided to end it the way he did.

Because you can see in the episodes before everything went sideways things were getting set up to be really expansive. You had the whole white lodge/black lodge thing, it was really starting to get its legs. And then they were like nope, show's over.


dedfrmthneckup t1_itk1csx wrote

That doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what twin peaks is about


zlubars t1_ithatr4 wrote

The solution of who the murderer is leads to more investigation kinda


elvers t1_ithsbz1 wrote

There was a third season, no spin-offs, and the murderer is revealed in s2e1