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AgaricX t1_it862tj wrote


Bubbagumpredditor t1_it89oog wrote

You're being downvoted by racists who deny history.


AgaricX t1_it8dgvf wrote

They are not just ignorant shit stains denying history such as the "one drop rule". By every modern legal test in every developed country, being 25% black means one is legally defined as black should one choose to be so on the census or for other legal reasons.

I don't really expect sad incels to be astute enough to know these things.


UsableRain t1_it8hc0h wrote

What do incels have to do with this at all? Or are we just at the “fling random insults” stage in this… “conversation”?

I mean, that’s fine and all, but once you decide to do that, you should really let people know so we can just skip to the [ignoring-you-and-letting-you-rant-to-yourself-about-unrelated-things] part.

It’s very annoying trying to talk to someone about something like this, and you just shout “incel!” Do you think trying to convince these people by calling them incels helps your argument? Or were you just regressing back to middle school?

If you can’t not insult people when they disagree with you, stay out of the conversation. Thanks.


Bubbagumpredditor t1_it8yx6w wrote

Eh, incels racists qanons and Trumpers are mostly the same venn diagram at this point.


AgaricX t1_it8ixi6 wrote

Racist is not descriptive enough for those that deny history and legal reality because of their racism.


notaplanedude t1_itb9kk4 wrote

>By every modern legal test in every developed country, being 25% black means one is legally defined as black should one choose to be so on the census or for other legal reasons.
