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TheCheshireCody t1_itv1d2g wrote

Good for her for prioritizing her mental health. She is definitely missed in the show, but that's less important than her well-being.


StudBoi69 t1_itvpj22 wrote

The work culture in SNL can be highly stressful, having to come up with sketches 24/7 and competing for time with other cast-members.


TheCheshireCody t1_itvtbg0 wrote

Yep. Imagine going through all that mental anguish and getting maybe fifteen minutes of screen time across six skits in the entire season. The SNL cast is way too damned big and doesn't allow for talent like hers to shine the way it should.


meatball77 t1_itxe974 wrote

I'm enjoying it much more this season with a smaller cast.


TheCheshireCody t1_itxg2we wrote

I think I've seen each of the new cast members at least once in each episode so far, which is definitely an improvement.


tetoffens t1_itw9zsm wrote

They also don't get paid well in their first few years. SNL cast members are some of the only celebrities on the planet that still need to have roommates.


OneGoodRib t1_itygs7n wrote

Is that not partly because they have to live close enough to Rockefeller Center and all the rent is super high that close to their work?


FrostyD7 t1_itw8365 wrote

And having to perform in front of a live audience with no do overs. With famous celebrities participating.


fcocyclone t1_itwdjl0 wrote

Which had to be even harder the last few years with the bloated cast size.


InnocentTailor t1_itxbo6p wrote

I did think she was somewhat cracking when her social media got a little chaotic.

She is still a joy to watch. I wish her the best in whatever she does.