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AmeliaMangan t1_is4ni84 wrote

Probably Sons of Anarchy. I stuck with it even after it became clear it would never again hit the heights of S2 - even after >!Clay!< got anticlimactically killed off, effectively ending the show's main conflict and ensuring everything that followed was basically pointless - but I just could not do the last season, in large part because by that point every ep's length had ballooned to about two fucking hours at a time, most of which was musical montages.


OneBigRed t1_is5j02b wrote

SoA for me too. I checked out sometime around the millionth time Jax "had to get to the bottom of this".


GO-KARRT t1_is5ls2y wrote

Shortly before or after the Ireland story line it just became very clear that they were totally out of ideas and started reusing plots from the first seasons.


Workacct1999 t1_is5sgn4 wrote

When I recommend SOA I tell them to stop watching once they go to Ireland.


AmeliaMangan t1_is5njzk wrote

Oh God, the Ireland storyline. From the excruciating accents ("Heidy-deidy-deidy lads, I'm Oirish!") and unconvincing attempts to disguise Los Angeles as Belfast, to the fact that not one person watching the show gave a single, solitary fuck about either the weapons deal or Jax's kidnapped baby, that is indeed where the ship well and truly started to sink.


AdaAstra t1_is5pyvg wrote

I liked the show, but it was infuriating just how many problems Gema caused and how Jax kept forgiving her while at the same time being all surprised when she once again caused a problem. It took way too long for him to solve that problem for good.


AmeliaMangan t1_is5rrzl wrote

I mean - as I alluded above - a big problem with the show was that it was conceived as "Hamlet, With Bikers", but then wound up serpentining off into a million other directions. This eventually made the characters who were most integral to the Hamlet storyline - namely Clay and Gemma - no longer relevant to what the show had become, and, much as I love Perlman and Sagal, both characters should really have been killed off maybe, I dunno, three seasons in.

(In fact, the show as a whole should probably have only lasted about three seasons. Maybe people would mourn its relatively early passing, but at least they'd remember it fondly.)


Locutus747 t1_isfw7hx wrote

This is one I tried due to buzz couldn’t even make it through 4 episodes.