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mikenglish13 t1_isrd441 wrote

People hate on Amy Schumer with good reason but this show had some funny stuff in its first couple seasons. She peaked with this and her roast appearances.


welltherewasthisbear t1_isris0k wrote

Last Fuckable Day is great. She’s become a bit stale, but overall Inside had some good sketches. Like the original run I’ll watch a sketch or two on YouTube if I hear some good things.


borntoburn1 t1_isruy3e wrote

I remember really liking that episode that was just on long 12 angry men parody. Amy Schumer might be a bit one note when she's writing alone but she had a whole writers room to make the show work. I hope they brought most of them back.


tier7stips t1_isrjv95 wrote

You’re think she is self aware now and will lean into it. I mean that could be funny right?