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badedum t1_iuigmc1 wrote

My assumption is it's all millenials/younger using their parents' cable subscription


envynav t1_iuimb34 wrote

That's not how viewership ratings work. They ask people of different demographics to track what they watch, then they estimate the total viewership based on the smaller sample size. Even if it's the parents' cable subscription, the younger people being tracked would still count towards the younger demographics.


access_secure t1_iuiqb43 wrote

So the average age of Riverdale, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries and Arrowverse viewers was 58?


DomDiDiDomDiDiDou t1_iuj0l4h wrote

Totally. Go to their sub, they talk more about knitting than the shows!


Gilgie t1_iuj3jii wrote

Everyone has back problems and hip replacements.


chromeshiel t1_iujbcap wrote

No, people have just moved on from TV. The real audience for these shows is online through Netflix or piracy.