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TamagotchiMasterRace t1_iuimvhn wrote

I was really shocked how much I liked Stargirl. As a lifelong comics fan I'm a pretty dedicated consumer of superhero media, but after Crisis on Infinite Earths on CW i just stopped caring about any of their superhero shows, then stargirl came out on DCUniverse and I was more than happy to follow it back to CW (though if it premiered strictly on CW i may never have started it, assuming it was more mediocre arrowverse content). I'll be disappointed its gone but maybe Titans can absorb some of their writers. I will 100% watch titans, the production quality is high, but the "Titans are a family" while constantly ignoring each other and stabbing each other the back so they can go off and fail miserably on their own is getting extremely tired...


mikexmachina t1_iuipmrb wrote

I was really surprised at how much I liked Stargirl, too; and same - once Arrow was done, I only cared about Legends of Tomorrow because the other shows were such a slog...


ThingCalledLight t1_iujhw6t wrote

I thought Season 1 was strong. Season 2 was ok. Season 3 ain’t great for me.

There’s only so much Luke Wilson can do to carry this mother.