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CriminalsGetCaught t1_itln3y1 wrote

No this was all just the prologue to the dance of dragons segment of the book. The book isn't just about this particular war so it goes beyond what's going to be in this series, and starts before. The whole 10 episodes of this show was just 2 chapters of the book


Arbor-Trap t1_itlnzdq wrote

Holy crap. As an outside observer I’d say they did a damn fine job of adapting it, but as a book reader, what did you think of season 1?


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itlo88b wrote

I absolutely loved it and was very thrilled to see the barebones events from the book on the screen.


Arbor-Trap t1_itlrgn3 wrote

That’s exactly what I want to hear haha, does this book follow multiple characters POV like asoiaf? Or is it more of like an overview of those events?


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itlv8cc wrote

The book is written as if it were a nonfiction history book so it talks about basic events and does not have any PoVs. It does cite fictional sources of people who were involved in events and compares the way different people describe the events that occurred to try and figure out the "truth."


Arbor-Trap t1_itm16xy wrote

Neat! Is it an easy read or kind of a slog?


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itm1ezl wrote

I liked it but some other people don't. It's nothing like the other asoiaf books. If you like reading history books you might like this. You won't know anything about any of the characters' private thoughts after reading. Only what they did.


Arbor-Trap t1_itm76g4 wrote

I’ve never truly tried to read a history book other than in school but I will definitely check it out when I’m done with the original series. Did you read the novellas as well?


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itmcayq wrote

The novellas are adapted into chapters of fire and blood so I read them basically as part of the overall book. There are some small changes I believe


Arbor-Trap t1_itmorcb wrote

Thank you! Finally, what are you reading now?


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itmp2f5 wrote

I'm not really reading anything at this time, but now I feel guilty about that


Arbor-Trap t1_itmq8k2 wrote

Hahaha I didn’t mean it like that, but if it makes you feel better, I have only read a few books since 2017. I’ve been trying to get back into it and spend much less time on PlayStation


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itmrgod wrote

A good book I read relatively recently is Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. It's about a guy who lives in an endless House filled with mysterious statues, and he has one friend who visits sometimes


Arbor-Trap t1_itmsver wrote

My interest is peaked hahaha thank you for the suggestion!


RealJohnGillman t1_itn6fvu wrote

An interesting thing they did with the finale is that the history book said that Aemond had full control of his dragon and purposefully killed his nephew. Which is of course the narrative they would have to go with publicly, as they couldn’t be telling the public that Targaryens couldn’t control their dragons. So both accurate and inaccurate to the book — the history book element of it all helped the series adaptation greatly.


BFast20 t1_itm8c0o wrote

Listen to the audio book. It's pretty good and the guy reading it really makes me feel like its a historical recollection.


Arbor-Trap t1_itmoxfu wrote

I’ll definitely check it out! I usually throw on a podcast while I’m driving but the audio book could be great for those long drives!


ConeBone1969 t1_itlu1sc wrote

Do we know if the show is the whole book, or just the events that follow this group of ppl?

I got spoiled to the death of a major character (thanks to Joffrey recapping events in GoT) and wasn't sure if that was the ending of the show, the books, or whatever. Now I'm debating reading the book, but I'm unsure bc it seems like the book is a cliff notes version of the show if that makes sense.


CriminalsGetCaught t1_itlvdtt wrote

The first set of seasons of this show is dedicated to the Dance of Dragons war. After that storyline ends it could end, or it could continue, or it could hop to another point of the timeline and be an anthology.

I'd recommend reading the book. If you read the book you get the surprise of reading the events, and then get the surprise for the changes and revelations of the show. If you just watch the show it's one surprise. For instance in the book it doesn't say that Aemond lost control of Vhagar. So the event in the show enhances past the narrative of the book. Just my thoughts.

Edit: the book goes way past the event spoiled by King Joffrey


DMike82 t1_itn7ecm wrote

Also the show changed how Ser CrIncel Cole killed Lord Beesbury during the Green Council meeting. In the books it's debated whether he slit Lyman's throat or threw him out of a window, whereas in the show he just slammed the guy's head into the table.


DMike82 t1_itn74ro wrote

> Do we know if the show is the whole book, or just the events that follow this group of ppl?

Just the events that follow this group of people. Viserys was the fifth king of the Seven Kingdoms and the book covers the first four's stories before we even get to any of this.


ConeBone1969 t1_itna12u wrote

Good to know. Just bought the book. Would have been confused as to when the events of the show were going to start.


DMike82 t1_itnbiqv wrote

Yeah, the succession before the events of the series goes Aegon I --> Aenys --> Maegor the Cruel (Aegon's sons) --> Jahaerys I (Aenys's surviving son) --> Viserys I (Jahaerys's grandson). All of them have their stories told in the book before the events of the Dance of the Dragons even begins to be told.

Fire and Blood is basically a biography of the Targaryen dynasty from Aegon the Conqueror up to one of Viserys's grandsons. The next volume (if it ever comes out) is supposed to follow the succeeding generations up to the events of the books.


DMike82 t1_itn6ted wrote

Hell, the first eight episodes cover one chapter.