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AmishAvenger t1_itlrmxj wrote

It’s awful.

Typos aside, “council” and “counsel” are two different words. Isn’t Variety supposed to be a professional publication? Jesus Christ.


doktor-sausage t1_itm9h4f wrote

It's so widespread even among prestige publications that I wonder if "editor" has largely become a status title and they rarely edit or proofread prose by their staff.


squeryk t1_itnqwye wrote

You're right, and I think it also has to do with the slow decline of standards across society, in all aspects. Primarily with the standards of intelligence and perception driven downwards by social media (and why not, a school system not fit for purpose in the majority of the world) and a culture that celebrates shock, silliness and stupidity packaged in tiny portions.

The increase in films and shows that lack moral nuance and mature perspectives, the lack of hope and a call to higher values of decency and respect, articles with very basic gramatical errors, the hyper sexualization present in music in particular while celebrating it as empowerment, the ever increasing polarisation of individuals in practically all aspects. Black and white, laughter and cries. Empty noise playing from silly instruments while the room dances and dances in the flaming castle, laughter echoing and then stifled by the smoke.

A fitting end, or perhaps reset point, for a species which for all our self importance, is probably not even out of the galactic kindergarten. Would explain why aliens avoid us.