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GDJT t1_itleor1 wrote

>...considering season 1 is literally all just set up to the actual dance.

You make it sound like a 10 hour act 1 where "all the good stuff will happen later, we promise."

>In theory, as the show progresses and more "interesting"/"exciting" events are set to happen, I can't see why it wouldn't continue to excel.

Again, Game of Thrones does not have a great track record for "just keep watching, the good stuff is coming in the later seasons."


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlh1l4 wrote

>You make it sound like a 10 hour act 1 where "all the good stuff will happen later, we promise."

Because that's the reality. Like, you know it's based on a book, right? Meaning anyone who's read it can easily see how few chapters were used to make season 1. It is very much act 1.


Chataboutgames t1_itlqcwy wrote

I just feel like an entire season being Act 1/a setup is a bit of a stretch. Have any other shows gotten that degree of leeway?


GDJT t1_itlhd4g wrote

I get that. I'm saying if the best thing you can say is that "it will get better later" why are you wasting your time?


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlhw1n wrote

If something is already a 7/10 with a promise to get better over time, I hardly see how it's a waste of time. The person you responded to never made the claim that the best thing you could say about it was that it got better.


GDJT t1_itlippz wrote

I certainly disagree with your rating and opinion of the show but you are right, I did misread the person I originally replied to so I apologize.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itlj90w wrote

You shouldn’t have to be familiar with the source material to appreciate the show, and the show shouldn’t adhere to the structure of the book. Different mediums require different plotting. I think it’s fair to say that they could’ve made this season a stronger story in its own right, rather than as one big prologue.


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itljpm1 wrote

>You shouldn’t have to be familiar with the source material to appreciate the show

Literally no one has made that claim.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itllyiq wrote

> Like, you know it’s based on a book, right? Meaning anyone who’s read it can easily see how few chapters were used to make season 1. It is very much act 1.

The implication of this is that if you’re familiar with the source material and know the story then it works because it’s only adapted a small part. That’s irrelevant to the other users complaint that it was all setup without a satisfying enough narrative in its own right.


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlm89j wrote

You inferred (incorrectly), I didn't imply any such thing.

There are plenty of people who haven't read the book and still enjoy the show despite having no idea what percentage of the story has been told.

In other words, you need to have read the books to know we're in act 1. You don't need to know that we're in act 1 to appreciate the story that's been told so far.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itlnbp9 wrote

> You inferred (incorrectly), I didn’t imply any such thing.

You can say this, it doesn’t make it true. Your response to someone saying it’s a 10 hour act 1 with the promise of the good stuff coming later was to point to the source material rather than defending the season on its own terms. The implication there is that adherence to the source material structure precludes the show from criticism about it being all set up.

> There are plenty of people who haven’t read the book and still enjoy the show despite having no idea what percentage of the story has been told.

Well, clearly the other commenter doesn’t. Anecdata is useless. It’s a popular show, I’m not denying that. But that doesn’t make the criticism invalid.

> You don’t need to know that we’re in act 1 to appreciate the story.

Of course that’s the ideal. But that’s not necessarily the experience of everyone. I’m not going to bat for the other commenter anymore, but your defense that the show is following the source material has nothing to do with their complaint that it was all buildup. Whether other people who are unfamiliar with it enjoyed it is also irrelevant.


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlq95e wrote

You can keep putting words in my mouth all you want. All I've ever done was point out that the show has only presented a small fraction of the story so far.

You seen to labor under the idea that I feel the need to defend the quality of the show - I don't. People can hate it or love it, I don't care. All I've done is point out an objective truth which is that there's a lot more story to be told.


psuedonymously t1_itpxj0t wrote

> You make it sound like a 10 hour act 1 where "all the good stuff will happen later, we promise."

I don't stick with series I don't enjoy as I'm watching them. I dropped the Amazon LOTR series after 2 episodes. I stuck with House of the Dragon