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death0fcool t1_iri23rt wrote

Seeing Rings of Power makes me appreciate Jackson's effort with the LOTR trilogy even more.


wafflecone927 t1_iri0dch wrote



calipygean t1_iri11yl wrote

The Rings of Power cast shares series they’d like green light so they can get a paycheck for the next 5 years with minimal effort while cashing in on Amazons quest for relevant content.


hghlnder72 t1_iri1jai wrote

A harfoot story? Fuck all the way off... A wandavision type story about gollum and the ring? Seriously fuck off... A telling of the first age? OK, but give it to Peter Jackson... You know, the guy who didn't rape the source material (we forgive him the hobbit because what he did with LOTR) , and give him the billion dollar budget.


Wagnaard t1_iri7txh wrote

The Silmarillion would be such a downer, I can't see it happening without trying to shoehorn in some happy ending or such.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_irihfif wrote

> rape the source material

Y’all are really still saying this, huh?

By the way, Tolkien’s family hated Jackson’s movies and said they failed the source material. The show, on the other hand, had their direct involvement and got their blessing.

If y’all don’t like the show that’s fine. But quit hiding the bullshit source material adherence, especially when praising Jackson’s films which changed tons of shit.


[deleted] t1_irilz3n wrote

This guy you’re replying to definitely hasn’t even read the source material lmao


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_irioy2h wrote

I don’t think most of the shows critics have. If you genuinely cared about source material adherence the first and foremost issue would be everyone isn’t breaking out into song every few minutes. Although, even on that front, the show has done a decent job. They actually gave the orcs a song!


DarkSkiesGreyWaters t1_iriqqhs wrote

Reddit is teeming with people who think the "true Tolkien" is the Peter Jackson movies they liked when they were 12.


hghlnder72 t1_irjh0c9 wrote

If you can show me in the source material somewhere that states that humans and elves can survive a pyroclastic flow that burns between 200-700c I'll take back my statement. And if you think the Tolkien estate is upset that LOTR made 3 billion dollars you are sadly mistaken.

Also.. Seriously.. A leaf woke up the Balrog? Really? Not hundreds of dwarves mining an epic kazad dun... A fucking leaf? The Tolkien family is OK with that?


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_irjmmwd wrote

> If you can show me in the source material somewhere that states that humans and elves can survive a pyroclastic flow that burns between 200-700c I’ll take back my statement.

It’s fucking fantasy dude. People do and survive the impossible all the time in the source material. Tolkien was not concerned about scientific accuracy of the heatwaves of a volcano, and neither should you be in a show that opens with elves in thin armor marching in a snow storm in sub-freezing temperatures.

> And if you think the Tolkien estate is upset that LOTR made 3 billion dollars you are sadly mistaken.

Well, I don’t think, and I never said it. What I did say was they didn’t like the interpretation. Christopher Tolkien very publicly said that Jackson’s movies made the stories into big action films and that he did not care for them. Go look it up.

> Also.. Seriously.. A leaf woke up the Balrog? Really? Not hundreds of dwarves mining an epic kazad dun… A fucking leaf?

I don’t know why everyone reads things so literally. It’s exactly like the scene at the end of An Unexpected Journey with the bird tapping on the mountain and Smaug waking up. Even if you are set on reading it as “the leaf woke up the balrog” It’s deep beneath the mountain in a sealed lair, that would not be hearing the work of the dwarves above. This is presumably the first thing that’s entered the lair and it immediately senses it.

> The Tolkien family is OK with that?


I LOVE that the way you scrutinize the source material accuracy is through the most pea-brained, cinema-sins, wookiepedia nerd fixation on physics and believability. Not the spirit of the work, not the prose of the writing, not anything that a person should take away from a book. Tolkien’s writing is not fixated on inner world rules and physics. We must’ve read totally different books if that’s what you’re worried about in the adaptation.


DarkSkiesGreyWaters t1_iriqsze wrote

>A harfoot story? Fuck all the way off... A wandavision type story about gollum and the ring? Seriously fuck off... A telling of the first age? OK, but give it to Peter Jackson... You know, the guy who didn't rape the source material (we forgive him the hobbit because what he did with LOTR) , and give him the billion dollar budget.

Half the stuff people complain about in ROP as "terrible writing" is just as present in the Jackson films.


dominic_tortilla t1_irii2r8 wrote

A show about the rings, maybe?

Edit: Am I wrong though? Why the downvotes?


MrBigglesworth222 t1_irl7t7m wrote

Maybe they should worry about their own show not getting cancelled at the end of next season first


yodimboi t1_irly650 wrote

Reddit is so out of touch with reality that it's funny at this point. Do you even know how many viewers this brings evert week?


_Psilo_ t1_irtriy9 wrote

I'm curious, do we have data on the latest episodes' viewership? Asking because everyone around me is slowly dropping the show even if they were interested at first.


yodimboi t1_irtsjn6 wrote


_Psilo_ t1_irtsx53 wrote

That doesn't really answer my question about how much viewership dropped (or not) from the first few episodes.

Of course people watched the first episodes. Everybody including me was hyped or at least curious about a LOTR show. It doesn't mean those people are enjoying and sticking with it now that they see what the show really is.

I'm very curious to see numbers for each episodes, if we eventually get that.


anasui1 t1_iricq44 wrote

are they joking I hope? Because noone can say such stupid things and be serious about them


KickpuncherLex t1_irldgg5 wrote

Durin and elrond buddy film. Make it happen