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InflamedLiver t1_iun9kqp wrote

I loved the original series, but it's gonna be hard to do a prequel without massive retconning. Before the Winchester boys came along, there were no angels, leviathans, alphas, etc. Just regular old monsters and demons. That and John was written specifically to be kind of an asshole, even if it was consistent with the narrative.


conker223 t1_iunrqir wrote

And even the demons were RARE before the devils gate got opened. It wouldn’t make sense for demons to be as prevalent as the original series. A few big bad ones here and there, but not the common enemy we see in the original series.


cathbadh t1_iuosdmy wrote

> And even the demons were RARE

Rare and terrifyingly powerful.


Julius-n-Caesar t1_iup36gf wrote

Because only strong demons could get out of Hell. The reason they became weak is because Joe Blow Black Eyes just walked out.


turkeygiant t1_iupnjcd wrote

Remember when they encountered a random demon for the first time on the airplane and it was one of the most threatening monsters they faced that season, and then by the mid-late seasons demons were the biggest mook monster in the setting, getting ganked right and left.


NotTroy t1_iuqever wrote

Seasons 6 through 15 were (with varying quality) fan fiction.


Randym1982 t1_iv20s3o wrote

I liked SOME episodes in the later seasons. But the seasons basically became Good Episodes, Bad Season.

They would introduce a really neat idea and then basically not follow up on it at all or have it play out in the background (due to not having the budget). Season 6 with Alpha's and the Weapons of Heaven went nowhere.


HotTubTimeMachine88 t1_iuoeyf1 wrote

Would a Men of Letters show been easier to do?


InflamedLiver t1_iuoizfk wrote

definitely more places they could go with that, both literally and figuratively. Different eras, different places, etc. It's still hard to follow-up a series where it was literally a battle between God, gods, God's immediate family, etc.

But it would still be like making a spinoff from Buffy/Angel about the Watchers. Fascinating in theory, but they could at best be fighting low-to-mid level threats, which after the Buffy/Angel series, would just not have the same stakes.


HotTubTimeMachine88 t1_iusb32p wrote

Damn, if only they found better actors for their attempted spin off years back with the Werewolf mafia family.


cathbadh t1_iuosg6s wrote

Lots of things would have been easier to do. they went with this crap


BohoPhoenix t1_iuoy96u wrote

I'd have liked to see a focus on the Roadhouse. Covering after Mary >!died, but before John died.!<


HotTubTimeMachine88 t1_iusb9j7 wrote

Hell yeah. That would have been awesome. Or even just on John while the kids were young.


forman98 t1_iuny5di wrote

They really should have let the whole thing die. The only thing I hope for in the future would be a team up with Ackles, Padalecki, and Kripke making a new show some years from now. Retcon seasons 6-15 and pick the show up 20 years after the events from Season 5 (which aired in 2010, so 8 more years from now).

I think you could literally have the clichéd sequel that repeats the story from the original but with some changes (like 22 Jump Street) and people would like it. These spinoffs that they do don't work well because people liked the aspect of these two guys hunting monsters. Figure out how to get that going again and you'd have a good show.

Dean is in his early 50's with a family when the same thing that happened to his dad happens to him. He then has to get back into the life while taking care of his kids and basically becomes what his dad was, someone mercilessly hunting the demon that murdered his wife. Turns out the demon that killed his wife is Sam (or someone with Sam's body), returned from Hell. Cue a season or two or good ole Supernatural. Maybe Dean goes on a hunting trip and doesn't come home for a while and his kids have to go after him, leading to some Monster of the Week type episodes. Hit the same story beats they did in the original. Make it a show about people searching the unknown, trying to hunt things and save people. It works best with a smaller cast.


nutsotic t1_iur5eix wrote

Also the fact that John didn't know about any of that shit before his wife was set a blaze