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rabid_J t1_iurbedc wrote

> each season had a handful of standalone amazing episodes

I agree with this but I strongly disagree the seasons were still a "net positive": if out of a 22 episode season you're getting 3-5 actually watchably good ones then it's a bad season overall and on a large decline. Watching week to week was painful so I started waiting until the whole season was out because bad episodes become forgettable when you're binging, not having a week to think about it.

At a point I had to just drop the show because it wasn't worth the time investment anymore, even now that it's ended I've so fallen out of love with it I don't care to go back and catch up to watch the finale. Sad because I really enjoyed the early seasons.


Petrichor02 t1_iurmu9u wrote

For me Season 8 was a big improvement over 6 and 7. 10 was a big improvement over 9 (but that's because 9 was terrible). 11 was an improvement over 10. 12 was a sizeable improvement over 11 (though that's because I'm a canon nerd, and 12's continuity was the best the series ever got after Season 5, filling in plot holes and unresolved storylines from Seasons 5-9 and recontextualizing the events of Season 6 in a way that slightly improved that season; the actual story of 12 was a step down from 11 if you shut your brain off for both seasons, but 12 did actually make sense in a way 11 didn't). After that it was basically downhill except that 15 was just slightly better than 14 for me.

Basically the show still has plenty of ups and downs after Season 5, and I think I still agree with the "net positive" thing because most of the later episodes of Supernatural are still entertaining even if they're not up to the standard of the first five seasons. The number of outright bad episodes is less than the number of good or neutral episodes by a long shot.


[deleted] t1_iussnnf wrote

IMO it's not that 3-5 out of 22 are watchably good, it's 1-2 that are amazing, 2-4 that are good and have standout quips/interactions "I killed hitler", then about 15 or so are average, nothing special but are average, worth watching once, and then like 3 or 4 are just Fartbook, for any Letterkenny fans.