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TheCitizen616 t1_ixqckhe wrote

Would anyone complain if they replaced male and female acting categorizes with dramatic and comedic categorizes instead?

I mean, there's always going to be someone to complain about something, that's just a rule of the Internet. But would anyone who matters care?)


redactedactor t1_ixqf4fd wrote

Yes. The Golden Globes try to separate by genre and end up having stuff like The Martian nominated for best comedy/musical.

I think if they really need to have more than one award per type they should be split into budget size. Maybe <$30m, $30m to $100m and $100m+.


SlouchyGuy t1_ixqec97 wrote

Because men play more leading roles, there will be always tug between more men in acting category vs nominating women from much less well known movies and series


Mikelightman t1_ixs2wta wrote

Maybe that’s something that could be addressed


SlouchyGuy t1_ixs4bvk wrote

When it will be, then the conversation about gender neutral awards will make more sense. Awards are just a sign of what's going on in the industry, not the main culprit behind everything


Mikelightman t1_ixs7r78 wrote

The awards change their format all the time. There’s nothing preventing the industry from creating the category first.


Murder_Ballads t1_ixqfc32 wrote

Yes, people will complain if a male actor wins the award several times in a row.


constantino675 t1_ixqiofo wrote

Which is why a man will probably never win it.


VitaLonga t1_ixqlp5r wrote

I’m sure an appropriate quota/pattern will be established - 2 people identifying as female, 1 person identifying as male, and 1 non binary person, rinse & repeat. What could be more fair?!


Darth_Jason t1_ixqjuej wrote

Well, if their protected rapist studio bosses FIFA the right cult guild members, maybe.

I’d love to see Will Smith receive “Best Leading Carbon Unit in a Bucket of Shit or Shomit” from THE Rock.


totallylegitburner t1_ixqg1or wrote

Step 1: Only have one category for each award.

Step 2: Face increasing criticism that too many men are winning the awards.

Step 3: Go through years of arguments about a quota system for awards.

Step 4: ?

Step 5: Profit.


TGrady902 t1_ixqfo7v wrote

I don’t think anyone really cares about the awards now so they can do whatever the heck they want with them and the general population will continue to not give any fucks about these awards rich people give to themselves.


VitaLonga t1_ixqlucy wrote

Bingo. However, a move like this will generate more entertainment on its own than a lot of Hollywood has given to the general audience in several years.


VitaLonga t1_ixqlfoa wrote

Alternatively, you and Emma Corrin are also people who don’t matter who are complaining about something. How ironic!

If this happens, we can say goodbye to outstanding performances by men getting appropriately recognized.
