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dillrepair t1_iydnpu5 wrote

Problem with cnn and corporate news media in general is they keep allowing this fake debate at all. There aren’t two sides to everything, there are facts and lies, And when you give so much voice to “the other side” when that side is simply factually wrong it presupposes they actually have a right to be the bigoted liars they are. They do not. They give “the other side” way too much earned media just so they can create controversy and gain ratings. Because they refuse to actually pay to send reporters out in the world to do actual reporting on what’s happening. The BBC and public broadcasting is my only trusted news source anymore. The rest is just opinion not news


thenuffinman47 t1_iye1s26 wrote

That's exactly the problem. CNN, FOX etc are more focused on entertainment value vs. reporting the news.

PBS news hours ftw. Straight and simple, just tell me what's going on


Catspit30 t1_iye8n2l wrote

Yeah. They are definitely entertainment based shows. I wish more people realized that and did not take them for a straight news channel.