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Thatguy755 t1_iyddf2o wrote

Hopefully these layoffs won’t impact CNN’s ability to legitimize celebrity gossip or have talking heads recite partisan talking points.


rhino369 t1_iydmnos wrote

CNN better hope Twitter doesn't close down since that is where 90% of their content come from.


Careless-Degree t1_iye3csy wrote

Pretty sure a significant amount of their content comes from covering what their hosts said during the previous hour. “Just wait till you find out what Jake Tapper had to say about Anderson Coopers reaction to Wolf Blitzers reporting, it’s shocking and up next.”


Craico13 t1_iydqb3b wrote

Doesn’t 90% of all entertainment “news” content come from Tweets these days? I feel like Fox and the others are the same. I don’t watch any of them though, so I could be wrong…


ColtChevy t1_iyetba3 wrote

No I watched a lot of fox over thanksgiving at my grandparents and it was surprisingly adequate reporting all though just about every point made my eyes roll into the back of my head. And my grand parents are just like “yep sure enough, Biden is incompetent because he didn’t eat an ice cream cone right” I mean it is exactly the same as CNN under the trump administration,


tidho t1_iydjghd wrote

it's just layoffs, lol, I don't think they're shutting it down.


SmileyPiesUntilIDrop t1_iyf6fpw wrote

CNN could save so much money if they just hired me to read their prepared talking points and celebrity gossip. I will work for the bargin price of 100K a year and deliver the same low ratings that Don Lemon and Jake Taper give them. Not only that they would save money on wardrobe because I could just wear off the rack from JC Penny or Burlington Coat Factory.


cuteman t1_iydsqh8 wrote

They'll just continue to contrive "news" off singular social media posts.


monchota t1_iyeoanm wrote

There main problem is they cant figure out who to spin the stories for from day to day.


buttorsomething t1_iydm9s0 wrote

Disney didn’t hurt fox talking heads so I don’t think they will. Those heads make money.

Edit: Disney did not get fox TV they got just movies fox TV was to be included but Peter was required by the FTC to no be. My fault. Now I know what it feels like to be a Fox News watcher. RIP.


thumbs27 t1_iydoypt wrote

Disney didn't buy the fox news portion of 21th century fox. That is a seperate company called fox corporation.


MulciberTenebras t1_iydoln1 wrote

Disney didn't buy the Fox network. Just the film division and their shows. Murdoch still owns the network, the sports broadcasting and the shitrag news.


[deleted] t1_iydekhv wrote



dillrepair t1_iydn011 wrote

FR … this is the MO I guess. I remember reading the method of how they do it several years ago when a guy on a car show i liked got replaced… it was basically because he’d had standards and had built the show along with a small production team of guys himself and discovery came in and just wanted to gut it, fire the production team guys, film everything as fast as possible on the lowest budget possible and sacrifice whatever they could get away with for bottom line. This tall Englishman was the only reason I watched the show it turns out… because him and his production people were the only ones on the show providing actual useful interesting information about how to restore different aspects for the diy perspective. He actually had a bit of morals and standards so he left with the crew. So they’re probably losing as much possible revenue as they think they’re saving it just doesn’t matter to them bc it’s a quick and dirty way to boost profit margins. Way to go. People will actually get tired of content lacking reality tv over time.


Pool_Shark t1_iydsus1 wrote

It’s how the system is designed. CEOs get bonsues based on Quarterly profits and cutting expenses is the fastest way to turn a quarter around


[deleted] t1_iyemvmf wrote

Of all the things to get irritated about, losing CNN ain’t one of them lol. Now if only Fox News can be destroyed too


sybrwookie t1_iyefcyv wrote

Somehow, the only thing it hasn't destroyed is Battlebots. That show is a gem in a pile of shit, and I have no idea how it hasn't been either destroyed or cancelled because of it.


SeanOuttaCompton t1_iyenhgw wrote

Did we all forget how CNN started the year by launching a streaming service that didn’t even last two months? They uh… kinda deserve the cuts for that


Neo2199 t1_iydmr72 wrote

Per Mediaite:

> Mediaite understands that today the layoffs mostly focus on paid contributors. It’s been known around the network that Licht is more interested in subject-specific experts less than broad generalists, which will be reflected in today’s cuts. Tomorrow, salaried employees will be told and some relatively visible names from behind the scenes are expected to hear bad news also.


DC4MVP t1_iydyfb2 wrote

CNN staff will be voting Trump in 2024 to get those Trump Hater viewers back


thenuffinman47 t1_iye1ai2 wrote

I like jake tapper, cooper, wolf and John king but you are right.

No lie their rating's dropped after that bafoon left office lol


mlc885 t1_iyec2lo wrote

John King, Steve King is a crazy Republican politician


SelectAd1942 t1_iyeiiul wrote

Trump was a huge boon for them, as trump continues to implode all of those that benefited from their anti trump positions will fall further. Find something new to jump on 24/7…


JoeW1075 t1_iye7m1o wrote

As somebody who has lived in Atlanta for years, works in the industry, and have worked with so many great people who at one time worked at CNN but were laid off, there is a reason why I've never bothered to apply. This is nothing new.


atlblaze t1_iyeby7r wrote

What major company doesn’t have periodic layoffs? Especially media companies? That’s no reason to never apply to work at one of them though….


JoeW1075 t1_iyef10w wrote

Absolutely, you're correct that it's common. It's really a matter of what you're willing to risk given the facts as you see them. The risk is always there with any job, but it's just greater at some places than others. Layoffs at CNN are fairly common from what I've observed. I've preferred to choose places with a bit more stability and have been thankful to not have to worry about being laid off just weeks before Christmas.


[deleted] t1_iye6sgv wrote



atlblaze t1_iye8rcl wrote

Unlikely that she had any say in her departure. I don’t think they renewed her contract. She had a good run though — 10 years as an anchor and a few years as a correspondent before that.

Not sure what you mean about her leaving at the right time though.


Hel-lohB t1_iyf9anu wrote

Wait, the writer assumes WBD actually has a plan?


Mattyk101 t1_iyf6r2h wrote

I hate everything about Warner/Discovery!


col-fancypants t1_iydyffd wrote

They are starting to lose those AOL monthly subs form 20 years ago i bet


dickrichardson6969 t1_iyeh719 wrote

It was hilarious watching the CNN anchors' faces drop on election night as they slowly realized Democrats completely outperformed all expectations. They have been on the right of the spectrum for years but have gone far right since Biden took over. Hopefully the whole network collapses and an actual news network takes its place.


dillrepair t1_iydlrx9 wrote

They really did gut hbo max’s offerings recently I’ve noticed. CNN… boo hoo, maybe they should have actually broadcast and gathered factual news stories for the last 6 years instead of following the trump train scraps around


Pool_Shark t1_iydt1os wrote

I never will understand some peoples obsession with CNN


ScipioLongstocking t1_iydvhto wrote

People like to hear the bullshit they believe repeated back to them. That's why CNN and Fox News have such dedicated watchers.


Pool_Shark t1_iyeblmm wrote

But CNN doesn’t really have dedicated watchers like Fox News. Almost everyone someone talks about CNN it’s a conservative person complaint about the “liberal media”


uwquestion t1_iydwzlw wrote

Is warner bros/discovery owned by Republicans or something?


Inconceivable-2020 t1_iye1lf1 wrote

Since CNN is taking a hard Right turn, they no longer need Fact Checkers or professional journalists, producers, editors....


coryscandy t1_iye5oy4 wrote

What the hell are you talking about


GetsBetterAfterAFew t1_iyen67h wrote

Today CNN had a piece about railroad strike, it was bit after bit asking if elected union leaders were willing to put Americas economy on the line by striking, asking the workers directly if they cared about the impact of the rail roads shutting down over sick days.

Why do I say this in relation to CNN and turning right? CNN isnt asking rail corp CEOS if they are willing to put Americas economy on the line because of a few sick days AFTER making record profits by reducing employees? If those CEOs are willing to keep profits high at the expense of both the workers and the American economy as a whole? Nope none of those questions, ever.

If CNN cared about the workers they wouldnt be supporting the corporations, and in my views the left is proworker, thats another discussion. MSM is strikeningly conservative in general as is.


YARA2020 t1_iye8rm2 wrote

Look into who is now running the network and his past. It's not as crazy of a statement as you think.


mlc885 t1_iyebnug wrote

Licht worked with Colbert, it just seems like the only thing that matters here is money and the money and/or will to make CNN better is not there. So the plan seems to be to make CNN even worse and cheaper and hope that they can position themselves between MSNBC and Fox News, when that's obviously crazy for multiple reasons. (People who presently believe CNN is controlled by Satanists for being mean to Trump are not going to come to their senses)


gerd50501 t1_iye3vdp wrote

uh. dude. they are just trying to be more middle of the road. you have to be a stalinist to think CNN is a hard right news network. they can't compete with msnbc for left wing eyeballs so they are trying to go a little more down the middle. you then act like its foxnews and want it cancelled.

rolls the eyes.


Denimcurtain t1_iye9rkf wrote

Not saying he's correct but you misunderstood. He's claiming they will be taking a hard right turn and you're responding to if they have taken a hard right turn. You'll want to ask him the specifics on why he believes that if you want to provide a good counterweight.


atlblaze t1_iyeanvd wrote

Laughable to suggest that CNN is taking a “hard right turn.” It’s aiming to present the news in as politically unbiased a way as possible.

That’s not hard right. That’s trying to be politically neutral. The aim is to be factual and not take a partisan slant.

So no obvious liberal slant like MSNBC and no obvious right-wing slant like Fox News. Shouldn’t that be what people want???


yawgmoft t1_iyebe4i wrote

They were already right leaning.


Catspit30 t1_iydi3yj wrote

I haven’t watched CNN for a long time.. but the last few days I have seen a bit and I haven’t noticed the 6-8ppl talking head conversations where no-one gets anything across and they are actually letting guests talk on both sides.. I assume it’s because of the new ownership but it seems better.


dillrepair t1_iydnpu5 wrote

Problem with cnn and corporate news media in general is they keep allowing this fake debate at all. There aren’t two sides to everything, there are facts and lies, And when you give so much voice to “the other side” when that side is simply factually wrong it presupposes they actually have a right to be the bigoted liars they are. They do not. They give “the other side” way too much earned media just so they can create controversy and gain ratings. Because they refuse to actually pay to send reporters out in the world to do actual reporting on what’s happening. The BBC and public broadcasting is my only trusted news source anymore. The rest is just opinion not news


thenuffinman47 t1_iye1s26 wrote

That's exactly the problem. CNN, FOX etc are more focused on entertainment value vs. reporting the news.

PBS news hours ftw. Straight and simple, just tell me what's going on


Catspit30 t1_iye8n2l wrote

Yeah. They are definitely entertainment based shows. I wish more people realized that and did not take them for a straight news channel.


assblastin00 t1_iydkvja wrote

Hopefully they lay off everyone and cnn disappears.


goddarkseid23 t1_iydnei3 wrote

It's like CNN is as bad as Elon...


concretemike t1_iydwxkf wrote

Cut em all and turn out the lights.....does anyone really watch the Chinese News Network anymore???????


cydus t1_iyde5cb wrote

Only good can come from this.


MulciberTenebras t1_iydfxf6 wrote

No, the new owners want to turn CNN into Fox News 2.0 and pander to far-right viewers who eat up racist conspiracy bullshit.


KevinOFartsnake t1_iydgv02 wrote

I think the person you replied to knows that and that's the good they prefer


FlashbackUniverse t1_iydgq1f wrote

That's such a foolish goal.

The old audience will leave in droves.

Their new intended audience won't abandon Fox News or OAN. They call CNN the Clinton News Network.


MulciberTenebras t1_iydh8et wrote

Yeah, they honestly thought the best way to get past Trumpers demonizing the network for over 4 years... was to sell out to them.

CBS also hired a disgraced Trump admin member to head their programming. WGN eliminated original programming and became NewsNation (to also pander to the base as a mini-Fox News). All of them assumed that "red wave" was gonna happen and that the GQP were to take over, so they readied to pander to the base.

Annnnnd then it didn't happen. Now they've pissed off the old audience and won't be aquiring that new intended audience.