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miasabine t1_iwxavb9 wrote

Yup, you’ll get no argument from me there, and that’s actually kind of my point. I don’t think John Astin was particularly sexy when he wasn’t playing Gomez, and that’s part of what makes the character of Gomez so interesting for me. You can take an actor who isn’t exactly the standard of beauty, but if they play Gomez well, the character’s passion, his skill, his adoration for his wife, and the fact that he’s a great father, will make the character sexy, and this will often sort of rub off on the actor while he’s playing the part.

I think Gomez is one of the few characters I know of who has the power to make people attracted to his personality and as such make the man himself more attractive, in the same way that irl you can become attracted to someone who isn’t all that good looking because of the person they are.