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TruthOf42 OP t1_iwzj97m wrote

Strange new worlds definitely counts. Though I think it would be called more of a crossover.

But DS9 is totally not a spin-off even if it contains some of the same characters. It's in the same universe, but it wasn't like TNG existed and then they took those characters and spun them off into their own show. TNG ended and DS9 was always going to happen, without or without those characters. Otherwise every star Trek is just a spin-off of some other one


Exitoverhere t1_iwzjzpg wrote

I feel like you're really changing the definitions of these things to fit what you want them to fit. Strange New Worlds absolutely would not be called more of a crossover than a spin-off. Strange New Worlds only happened after how much people loved how the three characters were used on Discovery.

DS9 wouldn't have happened without TNG, Miles and Worf wouldn't have been on another show without TNG. The beginning of DS9 is literally dealing with storylines and character arcs established from TNG. A crossover is when you combine two things that already exist, when one show is created directly because of a prior show it's a spin-off.