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Vince_Clortho042 t1_iwqau1r wrote

Not getting enough of an ad revenue bounce from the Weird Al movie?


DDP200 t1_iwqgxc9 wrote

High interet rates means tech takes it on the chin. I work in audit and consulting and we have advised every single one of our tech clients to start cutting costs.

Investment is down, values are down, banks no longer want to loan out money as easily to tech. Our clients are all mid size or smaller but generally applies across the board.


WakandaNowAndThen t1_iwqiai3 wrote

It seems lots of tech are looking for a buyout, and I've read the same about Roku. Is that for the same reasons, or are there independent factors?


CorporateSympathizer t1_iws7ppy wrote

Looking at their last quarterly filing, Roku has $2b cash on hand and is burning around $100-200m/quarter due to the ad downturn. They should have the cash reserves to weather the recession pretty easily, especially with the announced layoffs.

Unless the recession lasts more than 2-3 which case quite a lot of companies are going to go down.


LoveVirginiaTech t1_iwr5yx2 wrote

Word is they might have to lay off workers at the factory.


mator8288 t1_iwrnrca wrote

What do they make at the factory?


mikefaley t1_iwryt9h wrote

Can't tell if this is a serious question or not. Where do you think the shows come from?


ElderCunningham t1_iwsj3xg wrote

It's a reference to Weird. A running gag is Al's dad works at a factory and he never says what they actually make there.


mikefaley t1_ix1jffh wrote

Well that makes sense. Also my comment was meant to be a dumb joke and either it wasn’t funny at all or people missed the joke. Oh well!


SmarmyYardarm t1_iwrodgc wrote

It was funny as hell though. I was laughing more at my wife laughing. Can’t believe she loved it.


DRACULA_WOLFMAN t1_iwqjptg wrote

Roku didn't even play ads for me when I watched Weird (and I had to disable my adblocker to watch it). It also struggled to stream the movie for me, regularly bouncing in and out of what must've been 480p or worse.