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Itzli t1_ixcl24v wrote

I liked it. They called out a bunch of things, Reddit included lol.

Keanu is an eternal vampire, confirmed!


yodimboi t1_ixco59e wrote

Sounds like they kept doing what made season 1 good.


krissyjump t1_ixd1n4v wrote

I liked it a lot, though at times I wish it had focused slightly less on Ridley's love life and slightly more on her work life (in particular working under her father.) I didn't mind the relationship and I think the season ultimately handled things in a satisfying manner, but there were points throughout the season where it felt a bit repetitive and it just ate up too much time.


Badloss t1_ixhd4xm wrote

I thought the way they resolved the finale was predictable but it still hit like a ton of bricks anyway. I think it's good writing when you figure out a twist and it still affects you regardless


nasandre t1_ixck5rd wrote

Oh it's not too bad. It's enjoyable and got a few laughs out of it


yakko1990 t1_ixdn4yy wrote

Going against the grain here, I thought it improved. I felt like the first season was about 60% hit, whereas there were only one or two misses in this season.


MultimediaCarl t1_ixcq76l wrote

Honestly, i liked S1 a lot more. Dunno, think i've had my fill of these sort of comedic "adult" cartoons? It treads a lot of the same steps imo.


SolitarySnail80 t1_ixdcqer wrote

Don't remember if the first season was like this but almost every joke was just a pop-culture reference. Shit like "Jay-Z just got a 100th problem".

Usually comedies get better after their first season because the writers and audience understand the characters better, but I don't know anything about these characters other than their most gimmicky traits.

Still a decently fun show.


Set_the_Mighty t1_ixer3w1 wrote

Season 2 is more coherent than season 1. S1 sets up a lot of backstory but the end is silly and only explained at the end of S2.


Shot_Flounder_1983 t1_ixhkkuj wrote

I enjoyed it, but why does it sound like Adam Scott recorded his dialogue from his spare room?


CptTurnersOpticNerve t1_ixdjjqs wrote

Every now and then it made me laugh, but overall kinda felt like a Rick and Morty knockoff that could do with some better writing


Badloss t1_ixhda30 wrote

A few of the episodes seemed like direct R&M episode remakes, like the love potion one. I still like this though because it's more aggressively political vs the Rick and Morty "everything is stupid" nihilism


dunre646 t1_ixe8syp wrote

I liked it and will watch it again, however, only being eight episodes makes me question if there will be a season 3.

I would have liked a follow up on what happened to the flat-earthers from season one.


Majorkerina t1_ixkvefu wrote

I liked it personally. The first episode was a very average seven out of 10 beginning but after that I liked that they gave moments to the characters even though some people thought they got to be a little bit flanderized, I don’t think it was so much that as they sort of paired off characters without dealing with the group as much as the first half. I wanted to see more depth to more of the characters like with the 1980s town which was a really good step in the right direction from the first half. The concluding episodes were absolutely fantastic and around nine out of 10 to 10 out of 10 for the finale. Very emotional and sincere and thoughtful as well as delving into the kind of mysteries I appreciated from shows like gravity falls.