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travelsnake t1_ixz12fw wrote

Reply to comment by Lil_Mcgee in White Lotus Season 2 by spectacleskeptic

Honestly, why skip the first season? There is a whole character who is pretty much an ongoing reference to the first season. Plus, the first season is fantastic and the second season is turning out just as good. The show has an atmosphere about it that is quite unlike anything else I have ever seen, aside from Mad Dogs, which is from the same producer or showrunner (i think).


LostOnTheRiver718 t1_iy44z2v wrote

Which producer? Not sure about the connection to Mad Dogs except some cast.


travelsnake t1_iy4d3x4 wrote

I was mistaken. Damn, I thought for sure there had to be a connection. Not just the cast, but the overall vibe of that show is very similar to White Lotus. Highly recommend it, though. It's a fantastic show.


Lil_Mcgee t1_ixz1xpz wrote

> I just really want to see Michael Imperioli and I don't want to have to wait lol.

There are so many good shows and not nearly enough time to watch them all. I can't really binge things like I could when I was a teenager.

I may still decide to watch the first season but my interest in the show is rooted almost entirely in a season 2 casting decision so I'm having to mull it over a bit.


travelsnake t1_ixz3j6a wrote

You're just missing out, that's for sure. Michael Imperioli is good (as usual), but he is not carrying the show by any means. I stand by the fact that you have to enjoy this show in chronological order. It plays with your expectations and while the storyarchs are self contained, there are clear parallels and call backs. Also, with one of the characters you're missing half of the story if you skip season 1.

It's a quick watch anyway. 8 episodes if I'm not mistaken.


Lil_Mcgee t1_ixz3sx0 wrote

Well that's what I was hoping to find out by asking.

Will take your opinion into consideration.


MrPotatoDead20 t1_ixzftz3 wrote

>There are so many good shows and not nearly enough time to watch them all.

Well then I guess the only answer is to partially watch several shows /s


Starbuck522 t1_ixzaxfp wrote

I think it's FINE to just watch the second season! I have not finished season 2, but I can only think of one scene with the recurring character that really has anything to do with the first season, but it will just come and go , probably without you even noticing.


AnacharsisIV t1_ixzug0t wrote

There are so many good shows these days but few of them have more than like 12 episodes per season. You don't have to binge the show: 1 hour a day for about two weeks seems reasonable to me, but even if time was limited you could double up instead of binging and be done in a week; assuming, of course, you enjoy the show.