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dow366 t1_iy2mrxp wrote

The Good Place...

Good is the new American. Everything used to start with American.


Bokbreath t1_iy2notd wrote

Bandwagon. Once someone does something that works it's milked to death.


Nobodycares2022 t1_iy2tjb4 wrote

Show runners aren't that clever with titles?


ithinkther41am t1_iy2y6bq wrote

TIL there’s a show called The Good Witch.


kenlasalle t1_iy2yrzy wrote

Right up there with show names that end in "ish."


staedtler2018 t1_iy2zlgf wrote

It's a common linguistic structure.

In the case of these shows, there seems to be an element of irony or dramatic tension to it. They're either not about "good" people (good wife, good cop) or about a type that isn't typically good (good witch).


ozgun1414 t1_iy2zqfl wrote

since instead of editing it they decided to downvote me, i m assuming its not a mistake but deliberate.

bad people everywhere there is nothing we can do about it. and yeah that moment was golden. the good place is really good series and i wouldnt want that spoiler for any of new audience.


TheIllusiveGuy t1_iy300s6 wrote

The Good Universe is one of the more underrated cinematic universes.


anasui1 t1_iy34bth wrote

not sure, but probably because it's a word anyone knows the world over and so it is immediately recognisable, not necessarly indicating that the x character is good per se though

talking about The Good Wife, man, ain't Julianna Margulies one of the most beautiful women on the planet? Her face is literally perfect, that smile can melt concrete


crashfrog t1_iy368r2 wrote

In the case of The Good Wife and The Good Fight specifically, it's because the shows are a series.


Lil-Bill420 t1_iy39lf0 wrote

First off, I don’t even think what they posted can be considered a spoiler. Second, even if it was, that doesn’t make them a bad person lmao. And third, the first season of TGP is almost five years old, I’d say that’s plenty of time for people to have watched it if they wanted to; the internet as a whole can’t be expected to tiptoe around spoilers forever


Nilesy t1_iy3db1w wrote

The reason for this is that there are a lot of common phrases which start with "The Good/Good". Let's go through your list:

The Good Doctor, a very common olde timey way of greeting a doctor, "Ah look, here comes the good doctor now."

The Good Cop, good cop bad cop interrogation tactics, a very common trope.

The Good Witch, a reference to Wizard of Oz.

The Good Place, a common term used to refer to heaven.

The only one I can't think of a phrase for is Good Wife, but that is probably created by self-referencing the "Good" trope.


vladthor t1_iy3ddv7 wrote

It’s because all of those things were already (somewhat well-known) idiomatic phrases in English.

Even a quick google search shows me plenty of examples for each. “The good doctor” is sometimes used ironically, sometimes not, and has been for many years; “the good wife” had different origins but seems in the mid-20th century to have come to refer to the sort of model American wife; “good cop” is more common as it is used in the phrase “good cop/bad cop” so it isn’t quite as big of a stretch; “good place” is the similar to “good cop” because it’s used in juxtaposition with “the bad place,” which is mostly used as a way to avoid saying “hell” for people who think that’s a swear word, and it’s just extrapolated from that; “the good witch” has probably been around for a while but was popularized by The Wizard of Oz and Glinda, the Good Witch. This probably doesn’t cover all the shows named like this, and I definitely think there’s some synchronicity to the whole thing, but it isn’t necessarily just lazy writing/naming.

TL;DR: these examples in particular are just existing English phrases (or parts of common phrases).


ozgun1414 t1_iy3eu48 wrote

that kinda thinking ugh... no time limits for anything. and you can always talk spoiler free. or you can cover it. we re not getting your money for it. and yes if they cant see or dont wanna see how they can ruin someone elses joy for the series with some unnecessary information, they are bad people. and yes >!telling wife is not good might not be spoiler but telling good place is not a good place!< is major spoiler.


37Schmeckles t1_iy3felv wrote

Better standard of show beginning “Black…”

Black Monday, Black Mirror, Black Books, Blackadder, Black Sails, Black Bird

Orange is definitely NOT the new Black.


DemonGroover t1_iy3i92b wrote

TV/Hollywood have a bad time in general at naming their shows.

I mean as soon as i saw Avatar: The Way of Water i rolled my eyes.


Actionquest66 t1_iy3lbd6 wrote

I remember during the 2010’s that every movie begin with Bad …

Bad Santa Bad Cops Bad Teacher Bad Neighbours Bad Grandpa


tuggernts t1_iy3pb2l wrote

And why do we need to see the "Rise of" so many things?


opinionated_cynic t1_iy4bs8b wrote

New trend: names of shows just being the year. 1899, 1923,


Inconceivable-2020 t1_iy55pkg wrote

Because the Bad Doctor, the Bad Cop, the Bad Wife, just sound like real life.


dow366 t1_iy57hvl wrote


American Woman (2018) the TV series starring Alicia Silverstone.

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones (Book)

American Housewife (2016 - )

American Ninja Warrior (2009 - )

American Made (2017)

American Idol (2018 - )

American Assassin (2017)

American Ultra (2015)

American Pie (1990)

American Gods (2017 - )

American Beauty (1999)

American Crime Story (2016 - ) and American Horror Story (2011 - )

American Graffiti

American Psycho (2000)
American in Paris

American Dad! (2005 - )

American Animals (2018)

American Hustle (2013)

American Vandal (2017 - )

American Honey (2016)


Chilltrillbill33 t1_iy5ea5y wrote

I don’t know but The Good Cop underrated for real… not just cause I was on it


CloudyDay4178 t1_iy5k753 wrote

Similarly, the reality TV version seems to be ‘island’. Love Island, Heartbreak Island, Murder Island, Temptation Island, Redneck Island, FBoy Island, The Island with Bear Grylls, Million Dollar Island, a lot of Survivor seasons having a subtitle involving the word, like ‘Redemption Island’, ‘Island of the Idols’, ‘Immunity Island’, ‘Island of Secrets’, ‘Exile Island’, ‘Pearl Islands’, ‘Cook Islands’, ‘Ghost Island’.

And then there’s fictional skits that are parodies of reality shows like ‘Milf Island’ in 30 Rock, and another skit called ‘Geek Island’.

And now I’m looking at the word island and it doesn’t seem like a real word


sweetpeapickle t1_iy9jbjj wrote

Nothing except what the show is trying to put forth. Not any different than putting the word new, bad, etc in front of something.