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Ghost2Eleven t1_ix41koa wrote

I randomly found I had stage 3 testicular last year at 38. I’m cancer free right now, but I had random back pain and went in just to get my back looked at and found cancer. Thank god.

Be proactive.


MyneMala2 t1_ix43smb wrote

Randomly found that I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year due to a MRI on my back due to pain. The scan Found incidental swollen lymph nodes. No other symptoms. Chemo is awful and glad I am past that. Life is crazy

Edit: Added more context and grammar


[deleted] t1_ix464fl wrote



bros402 t1_ix8a82i wrote

cancer needs to go fuck itself

do you need any YA survivorship resources?


Ghost2Eleven t1_ix44p29 wrote

Same. I had zero symptoms. My CT showed swollen lymph nodes and that’s what caught mine too.

Happy we’re both past it!


bros402 t1_ix8a9mm wrote


do you want me to send you any survivorship resources? You should pop into the r/cancer discord!


Unfair-Thought5814 t1_ix65gpu wrote

My under arm lymph nodes swell up and ache from time to time. Reason for concern?


bros402 t1_ix8ac75 wrote

If you are worried, go get a CBC and CMP. You can either get blood tests at your doctor, or pay the $200 out of pocket for labcorp to do it.


Unfair-Thought5814 t1_ix8p1hq wrote

Yeah done this two weeks ago, all completely normal.


bros402 t1_ix8pqcg wrote

Do they swell up and ache when you are sick or stressed?


Unfair-Thought5814 t1_ixa9ent wrote

More randomly.


bros402 t1_ixaz8n6 wrote

If it is randomly, it probably isn't cancer. What did your GP say when you asked?

Honestly, just keep a close eye on them - maybe get a blood draw every 3-6 months if you feel that nervous.

Have you ever had mono?


bros402 t1_ix8a5vb wrote

fuck cancer

join the r/cancer discord and do you need any survivorship resources?


fogmonument t1_ix4nbmp wrote

How do you get your doctor to look into these things further? Most just seem dismissive


DoodleDew t1_ix53kn1 wrote

You have to ask and beg for it because If they did it regularly to patients then the insurance companies will go back to the doctor and say “why are you doing all these unnecessary test? We’ll drop you if you continue”

The system isn’t built on preventative care


durx1 t1_ix51a3g wrote

They likely wont. It’s expensive. Studies show unnecessary screenings cause more harm. Insurance wont pay for it. Etc etc


Draxus t1_ix6lmii wrote

ACR guidelines are changing in a way that will help get more of these caught. Technology is also helping. Part of the problem is that often these incidental findings get lost somewhere between the radiologist and some action being taken. It's up to your physician to read the radiologist's report, notice the finding (which is unrelated to the thing you're seeing them for) and make sure the follow-up happens. I work for a startup that's using machine learning to identify and track these things. It will get better!


Dashiepants t1_ix735re wrote

I know a widow whose late husband was having hot flashes and went to the doctor had some testing and scans done and at the time it was a treatable endocrine cancer. BUT no one at his doctors office told him! 8 years later the symptoms were more frequent and he was finally diagnosed, it was terminal by that point. He did survive an unexpectedly long time after diagnosis. They had more good years but I know she still feels so much rage at her unnecessary loss of him. The work you’re doing is very important.


bros402 t1_ix8al5f wrote

You need to push them to test. You might also just need to get a CBC and CMP from labcorp and pay out of pocket for them to do it. A lot of doctors are dismissive of young adults.


untitledmanuscript t1_ix4bzbr wrote

Two years ago today my mom fell outside and hurt her side. We were worried she broke her ribs again so she went to the ER the next day and ended up getting diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

She’s still getting treatment, but if she wouldn’t have fallen she’d probably be dead now.


Alphatron1 t1_ix5r31i wrote

One my professors neighbors had back pain the day after thanksgiving. He thought it might be a kidney infection it was pancreatic cancer and he was dead by New Years. Now that I’m on the second half of my 30’s I’m definitely more nervous about everything.


rcowie t1_ix6y8gy wrote

I had TC nearly 20 years ago.chemo sucked but I'm still here. Glad your on the other side of it.


Flaky_Seaweed_8979 t1_ix76t4l wrote

Found a lump in my breast, made a mammogram appointment for the next day, went in and was refused service because I told them I had a lump in my breast. Found out at 3:30 on Friday before Thanksgiving week that they would not screen me without a doctor’s orders if I had any symptoms. Am currently waiting to hear back from my “doctor” I’ve only met with once, remotely, over a year ago, to gatekeep my needed medical care. Really awesome.


bros402 t1_ix8a4de wrote

fuck cancer

Do you need any survivorship resources?