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Draxus t1_ix6lmii wrote

ACR guidelines are changing in a way that will help get more of these caught. Technology is also helping. Part of the problem is that often these incidental findings get lost somewhere between the radiologist and some action being taken. It's up to your physician to read the radiologist's report, notice the finding (which is unrelated to the thing you're seeing them for) and make sure the follow-up happens. I work for a startup that's using machine learning to identify and track these things. It will get better!


Dashiepants t1_ix735re wrote

I know a widow whose late husband was having hot flashes and went to the doctor had some testing and scans done and at the time it was a treatable endocrine cancer. BUT no one at his doctors office told him! 8 years later the symptoms were more frequent and he was finally diagnosed, it was terminal by that point. He did survive an unexpectedly long time after diagnosis. They had more good years but I know she still feels so much rage at her unnecessary loss of him. The work you’re doing is very important.