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Topher1999 t1_iy1979z wrote

It’s perfect background noise. Not particularly interesting but good to have on I guess.


Poynsid t1_iy1jy4y wrote

I've always wondered why people need background noise. Why not have nothing?


unostriker t1_iy21ubs wrote

Because being alone with your thoughts is scary


philodendrin t1_iy2dha3 wrote

My thoughts are pretty tame, just that sound the ice cream truck makes and that clip of a monkey sniffing its fingers after itching its butt. And sometimes boobs.


deathmouse t1_iy2u79w wrote

Oh for me it's the quiet moments when I end up silently re-experiencing all my past failures, traumas, and regrets. Oh, and the crushing realization of a rapidly impending, unavoidable death.

So anyway that's why I have Spongebob on in the background right now.


Hawx74 t1_iy23kfp wrote

>I've always wondered why people need background noise.

Going from a dorm room with 2 roommates who always had people over to living by myself was an adjustment and having the TV on in the background makes it feel less creepy.


Dali_Laa_Laa t1_iy2ejbv wrote

I have tinnitus, and need some level of noise so as to not be deeply annoyed by the ringing in both ears.


UX-Edu t1_iy2ea5k wrote

Because some of us have a tiny monkey in our brains that demands satisfaction and if it doesn’t get satisfaction it starts singing “NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YO DOWN” or “CALL 266-8433, BECAUSE THE NEXT BEST THING TO NEW…” at maximum volume until we give it legal meth.


Girlmode t1_iy33zms wrote

I hate the tiny monkey. I absolutely cannot sit in silence and struggle sleeping because of intrusive thoughts like these.

My brain just randomly gets in a pattern of saying "green frogs, jump logs" whilst I am trying to sleep. And I dont know why. Its like I get right on the verge of falling asleep and if there isn't a TV om and my brain realises it's quiet it has to whisper in my ear "green frogs, jump logs". Like brain it's been 20 years it do be a known fact thar green frogs jump logs. I have accepted this truth you preach to me.

That and "JONES BBQ AND FOOT MASSAGE, JONES BBQ AND FOOT MASSAGE" just echoing in my mind during any brief moment of peace.

I want to be able to sit in silence and not need a TV but then the TV in my brain just goes into overdrive. And im wanting to eat something delciousable down at Jones good ass bbq and foot massage.


kacihall t1_iy4ih0g wrote

All fucking weekend I had the stupid clip of Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell singing 'I could blue' playing in repeat in my head. And it was Thanksgiving so couldn't put music on, oh no, had to talk with our family who I avoid most of the time for a REASON. I swear I slept half of Friday just to avoid it in my head.