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jokekiller94 t1_iy959jy wrote

Good. All the technical awards that Dune won last year should have been aired. The people should get their moment in the spotlight.


blazelet t1_iy964f7 wrote

As someone on one of the dune technical teams (visual effects) I agree completely. The tech teams work their tails off for 9-18 months.


Naugrin27 t1_iy9cucu wrote

Thank you so much for your part in it, I've enjoyed it immensely.


eekamuse t1_iyakhwq wrote

And we want to see you have your moment. You deserve it. It's fun to see people who aren't stars, but who are vital to making films, stand there in the spotlight, knowing millions of people are watching them.

And for DUNE?! Where would that film be without visual effects. It was glorious. Thank you.


DinosaurHotline t1_iycey4g wrote

Dune is easily one of the most visually impressive films I’ve ever seen, thank you for your work!


St1834 t1_iy9bp6u wrote

They were all aired. All that got cut out was the banter from the presenter and the winners walking to the stage. They're just going to do it live because they didn't end up saving that much time


Curleysound t1_iy9idd6 wrote

Not true. Literally every disenfranchised category were piling on the academy about this and we were all pretty upset about it. The fact that they aired the videos was immaterial to the fact that they decided those categories were less important and less worthy of the full praise that the worthy categories received. It’s a very small concern for those not involved in it, but to think that one of the most major accomplishments of your career might be relegated to a throwaway video on the way to a commercial is pretty lame and not what the original intent was with the awards.


St1834 t1_iy9iulv wrote

>Not true.

Yes, true. They did air all of the awards and speeches.

>Literally every disenfranchised category were piling on the academy about this

Because they thought the awards and speeches would get cut. You might have considered them to be throwaway videos, but I enjoyed watching the speeches.


Curleysound t1_iy9jzvs wrote

It’s true that they aired all the speeches. The not true part was the why. We were all informed ahead of time that the speeches would all be aired. That was never in doubt. The fact that they went long regardless had little to do with the decision. It was a full on campaign from the governors of each branch, including the ones who were aired live. The heads of the show were heavily trying to please the advertisers who care only about ratings.


St1834 t1_iy9ljr1 wrote

>The fact that they went long regardless

removed the reason for pre-taping the speeches


Boognish-_- t1_iy9kov9 wrote

They aired edited versions of speeches.

Joe Walker the editor has his speech edited.


djm19 t1_iy96p2w wrote

Nobody pays me to consult on this stuff and they probably have access to a lot more data than I...but I just think Oscars needs to get back more into celebrating the craft its there to celebrate. In years past they showed clips highlighting the amazing performances as they were presenting the nominees, they showed how the scripts looked, they showed sketches for the costuming and set decorating. I love all this crafting and highlighting of what makes movies good.

I am sure it was all cut to reduce run time, but I also just think the people who are going to watch the oscars and those who aren't is decided before the Oscars even airs. So might as well serve those who are into it.


hatramroany t1_iy9fro5 wrote

While they have occasionally skipped acting clips during the telecast they show them more often than not. The other categories are always a crapshoot though. The problem is that Academy doesn’t get the rights to clips outside of the telecast so their official YouTube clips / other channels cut out the interesting snippets that were originally shown.


TheSeventhAnimorph t1_iy9jvx9 wrote

> I just think Oscars needs to get back more into celebrating the craft its there to celebrate.

They need to get someone like Gregg Turkington as the host. He even did "Oscar Doctor" segments earlier this year about how he'd improve the Oscars if he got the chance.


Curleysound t1_iy9ivs5 wrote

You’re totally right. They have allowed themselves to be Persuaded by the tv people, who are only concerned with what the advertisers want.


ILoveRegenHealth t1_iya0csf wrote

> Nobody pays me to consult on this stuff and they probably have access to a lot more data than I...but I just think Oscars needs to get back more into celebrating the craft its there to celebrate. In years past they showed clips highlighting the amazing performances as they were presenting the nominees, they showed how the scripts looked, they showed sketches for the costuming and set decorating. I love all this crafting and highlighting of what makes movies good.

Problem is, they did that and ratings sank. So they tried to tighten it up, ratings sank. I actually do not blame them for experimenting because before the song performances used to get a FULL performance (elaborate song and dance for each one) and that tacked on an extra 20-25 minutes. Now they do a quicker medley of the nominated songs and people are fine with that (if they want to hear more, find the song on Youtube/Spotify). You don't find these things out until you try it.

So I don't mind some experimentation as some of it did stick and was preferred. I at first didn't like that they limited speeches and it used to be as long as you want to talk, but now I see why they did it (I think they get about 1.5-2 minutes). If you let everyone talk as long as you want, the show is easily running overtime to 3.5 hours, which people complained about. I would say, however, the Best Picture winner(s) should get way more time. That is the top prize of the night and they need more than 2 minutes. At least increase it there.


TrueKamilo t1_iyans6n wrote

The ratings have been sinking because people have a lot more choices to entertain themselves today than they did in the past. They simply don't have the captive audience they once had, so the only people still watching the ceremony are the die-hard film buffs who really care.


oldgeek123 t1_iydts1i wrote

Yeah and the segment of die hard film buffs is shrinking as streaming television shows (or "long form" storytelling) has overtaken movies in popularity and quality.


fromthewombofrevel t1_iy94orp wrote

I usually have more interest in the set decorators, wardrobe designers, and special effects makeup than the actors.


middlebird t1_iy9etmo wrote

For the winner of wardrobe, they should run out models on stage who are wearing some of the winning designs.


Justausername1234 t1_iy9n0x3 wrote

There was one year where they sort of showed the sketches for the winning designs, which was really cool.


KayakerMel t1_iy9s0qu wrote

I remember that! They were gorgeous and really helped me understand what goes into production design and costuming.


middlebird t1_iy9u3q9 wrote

Yeah man, showcase the art. I’d love to see a big showcase of special effects makeup.


Forke t1_iy9cr3k wrote

Those guys aren't really celebrities, so it's kinda cool to see someone more relatable winning one of these huge awards


TheJoshider10 t1_iy9hkec wrote

Never forget the lady who won for Fury Road coming on stage in a leather jacket. Was so nice to see someone normal winning and wearing what they're comfortable in while doing it.


GamingTatertot t1_iy9igsf wrote

That was excellent. Every Fury Road win was fully deserved and it should've gotten more. I wish George Miller had won


NotGodsThrowaway t1_iy9as17 wrote

Less fluff and dance and “comedy” please


Bretty_boy t1_iybqpwo wrote

They should get a comedian to host it then make jokes about overly egotistical actors. That shouldn’t back fire


GolpeNarval t1_iy95576 wrote

Good. No award should be presented as less.


wray_nerely t1_iy9f75m wrote

The Oscars telecast will also run for all of 2023


reddig33 t1_iy9iw4d wrote

Sounds boring as per usual.


agsieg t1_iy9vsop wrote

I get everyone being pleased that the crew will be recognized, which is fair and absolutely a good thing. But the broadcast is already like three hours. Unless they’re going to be cutting a lot of the goofy comedy sketches, the broadcast is going to have to start at like 3 eastern.


anonoman925 t1_iy97j6p wrote

The Oscars are going to slap this year.

Is that how the kids say it today? Slap?


paolocase t1_iy9fjxw wrote

Now can they separate the sound departments like they used to?


VladandCoke t1_iyb1zas wrote

And a security guard at the stage


Brainiac7777777 t1_iy98cr3 wrote

I feel like Chapek was the one who cut all the categories in the Last Oscars


gambitwoo t1_iyc7r9f wrote

And the slap of the year goes to…


anonymous_guy111 t1_iyd6qoo wrote

so their answer to declining ratings is to make it super fucking long? what are they going to try next? have everybody take an ambien right before the broadcast?


ghotier t1_iy9ceg5 wrote

The problem with the Oscars is that they produce the show for people who hate the Oscars.


cabose7 t1_iy9s1uh wrote

now we can go back to complaining about other parts of the Oscars


dudreddit t1_iy9u7nj wrote

The next question is ... will anyone care or be watching?


Patutula t1_iya7mzf wrote

Can't wait ....


Markymarcouscous t1_iybbq3f wrote

Good this should be an event celebrating the creation of movies and not just a dick sucking event for actors and actresses. Let people other than ego maniacs have a moment in the spot light


gszr89 t1_iyci0n9 wrote

I hope they cut unfunny promos and any stupid jokes or scenes.


jmc774 t1_iy98rr1 wrote

How many slaps live on air though?


lcc1353 t1_iy9knon wrote

Does it mean that Will Smith will air-slap people on the face again?


Apostalis t1_iy943iz wrote

But Why?


Tehsoupman12 t1_iy951td wrote

Because last year when they cut the categories, it only pissed people off, and didn't even cut the ceremony length.


zgrizz t1_iy91882 wrote

And nobody, anywhere, will care.

Rich actors giving themselves awards has long ago jumped the shark.


Rarietty t1_iy94ccx wrote

This isn't about the actors. Their categories were getting aired regardless.

The crew members who get a lot less attention? They deserve it, and cutting their time in the spotlight to save airtime for celebrities and ads in the first place was a disgusting decision