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gummy_bare t1_ivy1gq3 wrote

this is why you should jump on the representation bandwagon :)


[deleted] OP t1_ivy2b3w wrote



please_and_thankyou t1_ivy5gq0 wrote

No. Every time a white person certain white people see brown people on their screen they get up in arms about it being done for “brownie points” PROVING how important it is for them to see people who look like them on screen.



TheBSisReal t1_ivy8j5j wrote

So… you realize the need for representation is not limited to race, right?


Randy334 t1_ivybol1 wrote

We're literally in a thread where that is the case, no need to try and feel high and mighty.


NickTehThird t1_ivy9wz5 wrote

> Representation is great when it's representing people like me and the people I care about. When it's people that aren't like me, it's "forced" and "just for PR."


AnonAqueous t1_ivy298j wrote

Never heard of the show but I'm glad to hear it.

Representation matters, even more so to people who are still in their formative years. I'm glad they're choosing to show positive representation, as Down Syndrome hasn't been treated the kindest by television in the past. It's really a shame, some of the kindest souls I've met had Down Syndrome, and they don't deserve to be mocked for it.


Kiethblacklion t1_ivy2np1 wrote

Precisely. My son is such a sweet guy and his laugh is very infectious. Just earlier this week we went to our kids' book fair after school and as we walked through, EVERYONE who worked their knew him and did nothing but praise him. It's been like that with everyone who has met him in his short 6 years on this Earth.


TravelingFlipper t1_ivy1fit wrote

Posts like this are why I love Reddit. Enjoy your amazing children!