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inksmudgedhands t1_ixha77l wrote

For one second, hold off on the storyline. Whether you like it or not, I think we can all agree that Andor is one beautiful looking series. People have been throwing words like "cinematic" around describing this series. But I don't think that's right. It's not cinematic in the way modern movies look. It's very classic cinematic. The lighting, the composition, the sets, the costumes, it all harkens to older films. Films of John Ford, early George Lucas, Hitchcock and Kubrick. I know it's a cliche to say, "They don't make it like they used to," but here it fits. I find myself rewatching scenes just for the lighting. Wondering how did they do that. How could I do the same if I were to make a video. I love how costume is used to tell not just the culture but the class as well. How something as simple as hair will tell you what class someone is in. The higher up you are, the more slicked down and overly polished your hair is. The lower class you are, the more you hair is untouched by gel and things like braids or buns or even pins. I mean, hair. Something as simple as hair tells a story in this universe. That's how much thought is placed in this series.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_ixj8saj wrote

Yeah, it’s very sweeping in the same way something like Lawrence of Arabia is. Especially with all those vista shots and the shot of the funeral procession marching towards the imperial blockade. It really makes turns it into this epic about people coming together to form the rebellion.