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QuebraRegra t1_ixqxlxg wrote

TBH, the show isn't even about Mon, or even Andor. Naming it Andor was a bit of a misnomer.

So many other pivotal characters. Should have been called "REBELLION" or some such.


Takseen t1_ixu6d7r wrote

Bit unfair to Andor. He's the catalyst for a lot of the events in the show. He leads the corpos to Ferrix, where the failed raid helps radicalize them. attracts Axis' attention and impresses him enough to try to expose himself and hire Andor for the heist, which likely would have failed without his help. The heist leads to an Imperial crackdown and more imperial presence on Ferrix, then the fight there.


QuebraRegra t1_ixulwd8 wrote

look, I luv Diego Luna since Vampires Los Muertos, but lets be honest, he get's overshadowed in this series :)


eusername0 t1_iy2jjbx wrote

Which is a good thing too. The casting was 100% on point. From the always excellent Stellan Skarksgard, Andy Serkis in a rare (but moving nonetheless) non-mocap appearance, Genevieve O'Reilly being given her time in the spotlight as Mon Mothma 20 years after her initial casting, Fiona Shaw, to the supporting cast in every episode. I don't think anyone was miscast here and it made for an excellent show.


QuebraRegra t1_iyag73e wrote

Stellan Skarksgard... I know the guy is a great actor, but he's creepy AF since I saw him in girl with the Dragon tattoo. I think I'd be afraid to be alone in a room with him. Great actor.

yer right, they are all on point.. I was actually shocked they got Forrest Whittaker to reprise his role. Looking back now, they probably called him up and said, "hey how would you like to play Saw again in the greatest SW production ever made.. We're sparing no expense, and going all out on this.."

I don't favor the Mon Mothma side of the story, but there's no denying the quality of the acting and writing. That last scene in the car where she knows she's being monitored.

For the record, I might be the only guy who was disappointed when they killed Andy Serkis in Black Panther.. great character :)