Submitted by InspectorMendel t3_z6umpr in television

I’m midway through Season 2, and I’m bored. It seems like the same exact conflicts play out over and over again. Am I missing something?

Kendall wants to be CEO but his dad blocks him. Roman wants to be important but he’s an unserious manchild. Siobhan jerks Tom around and kinda wants to be CEO but she’s too liberal. And so on.

There’s no character development and the plot just goes in circles.

Why do people like this show? Because the characters have creative insults for each other?



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JayPtl t1_iy378v7 wrote

That's the point of the show. These people are rich and assholes and they don't change. One episode you're feeling for Ken and the next episode he's being a dick.

Show is really character driven and as the show progresses we get some of the idea why these characters are the way they are.

And yes, part of the appeal is the creative witty remarks and insults


InspectorMendel OP t1_iy3c437 wrote

I guess they're going for a Veep sort of vibe. Except Veep is very funny and Succession takes itself way too seriously.


[deleted] t1_iy37dnu wrote



InspectorMendel OP t1_iy3a4ya wrote

I’m surprised you think Season 2 is better. To me it seems like a total carbon copy.


Dartavn t1_iy3lqnn wrote

If you're bored move on; it's not for you. And that's ok.


PortoGuy18 t1_iy381g7 wrote

I see, Succession is probably not your type of show.

Have you considered watching Andor though, which is quite possibly the greatest TV Show of all time.

Andor can also improve your mental health and sexual perfomance, if you are interested.


rocketpack99 t1_iy40uw6 wrote

I don't get the Andor praise at all. Performances were solid, but the plot was about as slow and plodding as a show could possibly be.

I don't mind Star Wars doing something different, and it had some solid moments, but that was kind of a slog to get through overall. Far from 'greatest show of all time' imo.


ClipClipClip99 t1_iy878zc wrote

I liked andor a lot and really enjoyed it. I haven’t commented about it at all on this sub because I noticed everyone is pretty hostile towards it and angry that people like it?


HortonHearsTheWho t1_iy3egm8 wrote

You misspelled Wednesday


PortoGuy18 t1_iy3en9k wrote

Too early for Wednesday memes.

That show has been out for 2 for 3 days, so people are binging it at the moment.

But Andor, was every single day of its weekly release and even after the ending, they are still trying to shove it up our throats.


presty60 t1_iy3louo wrote

Maybe someday the amount of posts talking about how much Andor is talked about will outnumber the actual posts about Andor.


Extra_Elderberry867 t1_iy54j8j wrote

Holy prisoner of the moment. Greatest of all time? Lol.


mistahmeatball t1_iy60e22 wrote

Let me guess. You haven’t watched Andor yet.


Extra_Elderberry867 t1_iy61xsq wrote

I have, it was good. Not greatest of all time material, not even close.


NightsOfFellini t1_iy7sqnk wrote

It was a joke about the show being shilled for and promoted on this sub all the time.


anasui1 t1_iy3tlpn wrote

the point of Succession is not corporate mergings nobody in their right mind would give a damn about, it's the stellar back and forth between awful characters who become more brilliantly ridiculous by the minute. There's a lot of character development, maybe you just don't get it. If you're not into that, it's the wrong show for you


thewidowgorey t1_iy3vzy0 wrote

I like the melodrama of the show, but it definitely repeats itself. And Veep is the vastly superior show when it comes to creative insults.


MagicienDesDoritos t1_iy3e36g wrote

We like to laugh at the rich evil manchilds insulting each others


bapolex t1_iy4mzc0 wrote

If you're halfway through season 2 and still not into it it's probably not for you


NightsOfFellini t1_iy7sl2z wrote

To me it's really about the characters and gags; it's a really funny show. However, it's nowhere near some of the great dramas it's being compared to (such as Sopranos, which is also funnier) and that does it a disservice. On its own it's pretty good


BoatsnGoals1 t1_iy5f1xt wrote

Its ok, but its definitely a show I will never watch again.


[deleted] t1_iy37lsr wrote



larry_nightingale t1_iy37zna wrote

Prepare for the Succession army downvotes, my friend.


sprechen_deutsch t1_iy38hxe wrote

i couldn't even finish two episodes of that show because of the ridiculously overdone mockumentary-style camera zooms all the time. they were so distracting, i can't ignore them and they make the show unwatchable


NightsOfFellini t1_iy7ssz0 wrote

The mockumentary thing is so grating, because the show really looks beautiful at times, and then the needless zoom ins come in.


sprechen_deutsch t1_iy99dc9 wrote

yeah it's really bad. let's hope it does not catch on. it's the visual equivalent of a laughter track and it needs to die right now


crdctr t1_iy3p0bz wrote

Stay on that shit, I felt the same way. Major payoffs later on


Extra_Elderberry867 t1_iy54qqk wrote

Maybe not though? If they are midway through season 2 it's obviously not the show for them, there's a few wow moments still to come but you have to be invested in the characters by now for those to land.


jonatton______yeah t1_iy3tjzb wrote

If you don't find it funny don't watch it. Humor is a core component of the show but said humor isn't for everyone.


-Handsome-Jim- t1_iy514uv wrote

I got basically as far as you did and lost interest for the same reasons.

It just didn't seem to ever really be going anywhere for me.