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3758232352 t1_ixdm30m wrote

I’d bet Iger holds off on buying Candle Media for a little bit, because they’re almost certainly going to acquire more production companies in the next year.


thethurstonhowell t1_ixdo1dx wrote

Unless he’s realized he hates retirement and is gonna die there, he needs an actual succession plan this time and he’s only got 2 years to do it.


3758232352 t1_ixdubbe wrote

Definitely. Which is why you bring back Mayer and Staggs IMO. Talk it out, one of them can be CEO and the other COO. Pay them both well, and give them the areas they want.


thethurstonhowell t1_ixdvb1m wrote

They’re going to want it to be via an acquisition though. They’ve got a good thing going and aren’t going to walk away from it.

NYT also reported this is why they said no over the summer.