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GarlVinland4Astrea t1_iwv5az8 wrote

If you think HBO wasn’t a massively well known household name years before GoT existed you are out of your mind. Also ROP was the biggest Amazon show ever


GenericAustin t1_iwv9emd wrote

That is not what I said, I said Game of Thrones is way more popular than all their other shows, I didn't say those other shows weren't popular.


GarlVinland4Astrea t1_iwvaqkp wrote

Only the last two seasons were getting better ratings than peak Sopranos. That’s the thing. It went on longer so it had more years to build and it didn’t really become their most popular show until everyone started disliking it


NaRaGaMo t1_iwy9ed8 wrote

>Also ROP was the biggest Amazon show ever

Yes when you are competing against Paper girls, I know what you did last summer, Terminal List etc with 500mill+ budget you tend to become no.1
