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dbbk t1_iy49hcw wrote

I was very excited coming into this, but I gotta say, I think it's the fastest my interest in a show has ever plummeted to zero once the true nature of the world was revealed. There are no stakes whatsoever. At least Dark had rules, there was a logic to it. This was just random shit happening.


austenjg t1_iy4kt1a wrote

Why do you think there are no stakes? It’s revealed that >!the spaceship is on a survival mission.!<

“Just a bunch of random shit happening.” Are you sure about that? You think Friese wrote a pointless arc? You think it’s a coincidence the >!spaceship was also named the Prometheus? You don’t think maybe there’s some correlation between the simulation and reality?!<

There are a lot of questions to be answered, seems kinda weird to judge the show before you even know what’s actually going on, but hey, you do you


dbbk t1_iy4l9lz wrote

>!My understanding was that the spaceship is just another "level" in the simulation, I'm sure there was some dialogue to that effect!<

All I'm saying is that as I was watching the show, as soon as that twist was revealed, I no longer had any interest in what's happening. Because >!nobody is really dead, none of this is really happening (an actual line of dialogue).!<


austenjg t1_iy4msbj wrote

>!I don’t believe there has been any dialogue saying the spaceship is another level to the sim. People speculate it’s another level because the final scene is the zoom in on the pyramid in Maura’s eye. But just before that, the last thing we see is Ciaran type: “welcome to reality” to Maura. So it’s either A) spaceship is reality or B) spaceship is level 2 of the sim. We don’t know yet.!< But either way, I don’t believe any of the story is random, Friese is a brilliant writer. But hey if you just don’t like the show that’s fine too