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laudalehsunesh t1_iy48mie wrote

>Can '1899' Step Out From the Shadow of 'Dark'?

It should & even tho the series had it's flaws, it's still a good watch. Loved the twist at the end even though I kinda saw it coming with all these futuristic devices they were using & constantly talking about "simulation".


Neo2199 OP t1_iy4gimv wrote

Given that they revealed the nature of the simulation so quickly, I’m thinking maybe the 2099 reality is another level of the simulation program, a bit like ‘The Thirteenth Floor’ movie.

Level 1: The ship in 1899.

Level 2: The father in the monitoring room/ the black pyramid landscape.

Level 3: The spaceship in 2099.


PsychicBanana6 t1_iy55phb wrote

The father in monitoring room is part of the 1899 simulation


Neo2199 OP t1_iy598d7 wrote

Don’t think he was in the same simulation level. He was aware of the 1899 simulation, can monitor the people on the ship, control their environment & stay out of the endless loops that 1899 people went through.


PsychicBanana6 t1_iy59w05 wrote

No he specifically says he is when they have her strapped to the chair before she meets with Daniel in that kids room. “You have put all of us in here with you”


Neo2199 OP t1_iy5d8gf wrote

I think that Maura has created a multi-layer simulation system.

Given that the father’s world is not affected by the 1899 simulation shutdown/loops/virus, that he retains his memories & more importantly control the 1899 simulation, I think that points out to a second and higher level in the program.


PsychicBanana6 t1_iy5dprp wrote

Do we know that? I honestly thought it all collapsed once she left. Good point


austenjg t1_iy499ef wrote

Comparing their season 1’s to each other, I’d say Dark is slightly better. However, I think 1899 has more potential than Dark did after 1 season.


Blem_Kronos t1_iy4q200 wrote

I can't watch 1899 without yelling "Jonas you're screwing things up again" at the captain.


ArthurSaga0 t1_iy54mig wrote

The show is going to have to undergo a huge overhaul in Season 2 in terms of character development, because right now all the show is is an decent mystery with characters you barely know and don’t care about.

The two leads, Eyk and Maura, are so paper thin and have literally no type of personal arc or journey in the show whatsoever. Maura remembers more about her past, that’s it. That’s the only way they grow or change through the show. Eyk is the captain who lost his family...that’s it. We’re never given any reason to care about them other than ‘they’re the good guys’. I mean seriously, why should I root for Maura? Why should I root for Eyk? Would any of you honestly be sad if they both died at the end?

It’s insane that such poor character writing comes from the same people who did ‘Dark’, a show where every character has so many layers of good and evil to them and is constantly thrown into situations where their morals are tested. I don’t think there’s a single character plot line in this show that’s as compelling as both of the love triangles in Dark Season 1. Nor is anyone faced with a moral dilemma as interesting as the one Ulrich deals with in Season 1 involving the fate of a little boy.

I don’t think all hope is lost though, and I’ll watch season 2. But if they think they don’t need to make a conscious effort to improve the character development and give us a reason to care about the leads, the show will stay in the shadow of ‘Dark”.


FlaveC t1_iy4l9l8 wrote

FWIW I struggled to finish season 1 of Dark and then abandoned it, whereas I can't wait for season 2 of 1899.


dbbk t1_iy49hcw wrote

I was very excited coming into this, but I gotta say, I think it's the fastest my interest in a show has ever plummeted to zero once the true nature of the world was revealed. There are no stakes whatsoever. At least Dark had rules, there was a logic to it. This was just random shit happening.


austenjg t1_iy4kt1a wrote

Why do you think there are no stakes? It’s revealed that >!the spaceship is on a survival mission.!<

“Just a bunch of random shit happening.” Are you sure about that? You think Friese wrote a pointless arc? You think it’s a coincidence the >!spaceship was also named the Prometheus? You don’t think maybe there’s some correlation between the simulation and reality?!<

There are a lot of questions to be answered, seems kinda weird to judge the show before you even know what’s actually going on, but hey, you do you


dbbk t1_iy4l9lz wrote

>!My understanding was that the spaceship is just another "level" in the simulation, I'm sure there was some dialogue to that effect!<

All I'm saying is that as I was watching the show, as soon as that twist was revealed, I no longer had any interest in what's happening. Because >!nobody is really dead, none of this is really happening (an actual line of dialogue).!<


austenjg t1_iy4msbj wrote

>!I don’t believe there has been any dialogue saying the spaceship is another level to the sim. People speculate it’s another level because the final scene is the zoom in on the pyramid in Maura’s eye. But just before that, the last thing we see is Ciaran type: “welcome to reality” to Maura. So it’s either A) spaceship is reality or B) spaceship is level 2 of the sim. We don’t know yet.!< But either way, I don’t believe any of the story is random, Friese is a brilliant writer. But hey if you just don’t like the show that’s fine too


DeliBoy t1_iy5qs9q wrote

Coming out of the finale, my thoughts were that if you've seen 'Dark' and all of 'Lost', you don't have much to gain by watching '1899'.


Spartyjason t1_iy6kyum wrote

Those were your thoughts? Mine were "dark absolutely exploded the narrative connections in s2 and 3, can't wait to see what they do with this series."


loonz420 t1_iy6wpcd wrote

It’s not as good as Dark but very few shows are. It’s still a good watch taken on its own merits


meowskywalker t1_iy4aboc wrote

If I knew there was an incredibly popular series on television that chose to name its spin-offs with years like “1883” and “1923” I think I might come up with a new name for my new show so as to avoid confusion.


Neo2199 OP t1_iy4bms2 wrote

Netflix's ‘1899’ was first announced in 2018, whereas Yellowstone's first Spin-off '1883' was announced three years later in 2021.


meowskywalker t1_iy4dcbj wrote

“I called it first” is a nice moral high ground to stand on, but 1883 came out first, 1923 has already been announced, and audiences are fucking dumb.
