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ImOnlyHereForTheCoC t1_iy4vakc wrote

Honestly I’m still not convinced it isn’t. After the whole “would you die for beauty” convo and that preview clip where the (“?)nephew(“?) says something about living like it’s your last day, I’m half-expecting them to try to murder my girl Jennifer C as part of some weird, incestuous pagan ritual!


Waaatson54 t1_iy5d17i wrote

I also think Jennifer Coolidge is going to be the one killed the season! I just think it's going to be suicide. She made the one comment about someone leaping off the ledge at the hotel one episode, and I feel like TV writers like to use the Madame butterfly Opera setting as a foreshadowing of a symbolic death to come.


you_bastid t1_iy78gx4 wrote

Except we know there are at least three deaths this time. One in the water and then the hotel manager talks about a “few other bodies” being found shortly after.


Waaatson54 t1_iy8dgkm wrote

I have no idea how I missed that part! Now I'm even more clueless. I love it!


oldcarfreddy t1_iydp5qj wrote

To be fair I wouldn't put it beyond the show to pepper hints that not everyone gets on first watch, as well as some false hints since in the end we're not supposed to know who dies. The first season gave us multiple moments where we almost thought one of the local Hawaiians would die, for example.


FredHowl t1_iy4whbv wrote

Halfway hope thats what happens, cause something needs to go down this season..


e_x_i_t t1_iy7wafd wrote

The first thing I thought when she was walking down the hallway was "Stifler's Mom is about to get murdered by a cult", so I'm glad I'm not the only one getting those vibes.


oldcarfreddy t1_iydhbeh wrote

That's exactly why I think it's not his nephew. I think they're scammers and have something going on.

Greg may be involved too.