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ALaccountant t1_ixhh0e5 wrote

I turned it off on the mountain fight scene in the first episode. I’m normally super into this kind of stuff, but it was just poorly done that I couldn’t force myself to continue.

Also, the dialogue is awful… goodness


thetaxidermy t1_ixi28f1 wrote

I’m at that scene now, and the music is TERRIBLE! It sounds like something you’d hear in a boutique store in Arizona.

EDIT: And, I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy that they would call up a Special Ops squad that they know is at a wedding for a mission that’s going to happen the very next day. Not to even mention the fact that one of the members of said squad is the groom!

Edit: And an active Specs Op soldier is going to run for Senate? I mean, presumably, he would retire first - but not even start as a Congressman?

Final edit: Just finished episode one. Yea, not continuing on with this one


ALaccountant t1_ixi5t2p wrote

Agreed with you on all accounts. Also, their decision-making and communications are C tier movie caliber. Not to mention their weapons sound and look like cheap air soft models. lol. This one is going to be a hard pass for me.


bishopcheck t1_ixkl7jq wrote

> And an active Specs Op soldier is going to run for Senate? I mean, presumably, he would retire first - but not even start as a Congressman

TBF Eisenhower didn't retire until he won the New Hampshire primary. He did not run for congress or senate before running for President. So, its not without a similar precedent.


song4this t1_ixi6nzo wrote

I was like "wouldn't a thermal imager be pretty useful? They must have left em with the snow shoes..."